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Show 7 heEpiftle Dedicatory. The Epittle Dedicatory: Your Majefty will bere fee, That there are thofe things within a Plant, dittle lefs admirable, than within an Animal, That a Plant, as well as an Animal, is compofed offeveral Organical’ Parts ; fome whereof may be called its Bowels. That every Plant bath Bowels of divers kinds, conteining divers kinds of Liquors. That even @ Plant lives partly upon Aer; for the reception whereof, it bath thofe Parts which are anfwerable to Lungs. So that a Plant is, as it were, an Animal in Quires; as an Animalis a Plant, or rather feveral Plants bound up into one Volume. Again, thatall the faid Organs, Bowels, or otber Parts, are as artificially made; and for their Place and Number, as punttually fee together ; as all the Mathematick Lines of a Flower or Face. That the Staple of the Stuffis fo exquifitely fine, that no Silk-wormzs able to draw any thing near foJmall a Ihred. So that one who walks about with the meaneft Stick, holds a Piece ofNatures Handicraft, which far Jurpaffes the most elaborate Woof or Needle-Work in the World. That by all thefe Means, the Afcent of the Sap, the Diftribution of the Aer, the Confedti on of fe. veral forts of Liquors, as Lympha’s, Milk s, Oyls, In fum, Your DMajefly will find, that we are come afbore into a new World, whereof we fee no end. It may be, that fome will fay, into another Utopia. Yet not 1, but Nature fpeaketh thefe things: the only irue Pallas, wherewith it is treafonable for the most courioufly banded Arachne to compare. In whofe Name, I, the meaneft of her Pupils, do in all bumility crave Your Majesties Gracious Patronage. Whereof 1 cannot doubt, frnce Your Majesty bath been pleaJed tobe the Founder, andto flyle Your Self the Patron of that Society, of which I have the honour to be a Member. Your Majefly deeming it to be a more Noble Defign, To enlarge the Territories of Knowledge, than thofe ofDominion: and the Higheft Pitch ofHuman Glory, not to rule, in any fort, over many ; but to be aGood Prince over Wife Men. Lam Your Majefties moft humble and moft obedient Subje& Ballames ; with orber parts of Vegetation, are all contrived and brought about in a Mech anical way, In NEHEMJAH GREW. |