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Show 67 ( The photograph referred to was received in evidence and marked " Complainant's Exhibit No. 42.") By Mr. Blackmar: Will you tell us about these two photographs, to be marked Complainant's exhibits 43 and 44, respectively? A These photographs were both taken at the point where Dark Canyon enters Cataract Canyon. At this point-- Q Could you indicate the location of those photographs on the map? A { Examining book of maps, Complainant's Exhibit No. 10) On sheet No. 12 of the river plan and profile maps of the Colorado River, this ( indicating) is Dark Canyon and Dark Canyon Rapids. Q Now, you are indicating mile 183. A Yes, between mile 183 and mile 182. Q Yes. A At this point ( indicating on map), the river is swept against the right bank, which is a sheer cliff, the right bank being the west bank of the river. And in this pile of debris that has been washed out of Dark Canyon, I found a side channel, indicated in the picture here ( indicating). It seemed easier for us to line the boats through this side channel than to attempt to run through the rapids. Accordingly, we lined them through here ( indicating). But even here in this little side canyon, as you can see, there is a good deal of declivity, and 2027 |