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Show 6906 Reeder- RC 4895 RECROSS EXAMINATION BY MR. BLACKMAR: Q Did you say bridge building? A Bridge building. Q When you came out from Hite, you came back to Green-river verland, didn't you? A Yes sir. Q Walk up to Hanksville? A No; there was a man by the name of Lawler came up to Hite with a team, and a man named -- Q At any rate, he had a team? A He had a team; we came out to Greenriver with him, yes. MR. BLACKMAR: That is all. MR. FARNSWORTH: We have run out of witnesses. THE SPECIAL MASTER: I am not going to sit here and listen to nothing, so I suppose we better adjourn. MR. FARNSWORTH: There are a great number of wit-nesses coming in town, some of them tonight and tomorrow; I will get through as many as I can tonight, so we can take up less time tomorrow. I think if I can have tomorrow afternoon off with these witnesses, that with Sunday, we would really make progress. |