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Show 6730 Branson- D 4713 some places the canyon wall comes straight into the water. Q Well, were there canyon walls? A Yes sir. Q And how far from the river would you have to go to see you cattle? A Well, no time over a mile and a ha; f. Q The walls of the canyon there confined them, did they? A Yes sir. Q What did you do with your boats on those trips going back up? A Take them back with us. Q Do you know of any other persons that went up and down that section of that Colorado river between Castle Creek and Moab? A I don't remember of any now. Q Why would you go down to Moab? A oh, just for a pleasure trip, sometimes. THE SPECIAL MASTER: I don't think it is important why he went to Moab, is it? MR. FARNSWORTH: Well, it is the government's theory that it wasn't commercial navigation as they define it, that is all. THE SPECIAL MASTER: All right. BY MR. FARNSSWORTH: Q When you went down to Moab, just merely to go down to |