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Show 6780 Wimmer- D 4769 MR. BLACKMAR: I take it that it is a difference of opinion between experts. A I didn't have any more power; I had the same engine all the time, after I put his boat behind. BY MR. FARNSWORTH: Q What was the engine trouble these two boats had, if you know, in the cooling system? A We had one fellow by the name of Jones, represented himself as a boatman, took him on the trip. He simply didn't know anything about boats, or engines, either; he simply wore his engine out by not taking care of it. Mr. Freeman kind of slipped one over on. I was to select my crew on this trip. Mr. LaRus invite me over to Pasadena to see if I would take Mr. Freeman -- THE SPECIAL MASTER: I don't think this is responsive to the question. A Mr. Freeman wore his engine out, too. BY THE SPECIAL MASTER: Q Mr. Wimmer, we have considerable testimony in this case, expecially by Mr. Lint, with reference, I think, to the boat that you used in 1921, that he had a great deal of trouble with the effect of the sand on the engines. Didn't you have any trouble in that respect? |