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Show 6873 4862 THE SPECIAL MASTER: Mr. Farnsworth, you asked Mr. Wimmer if to his knowledge Mr. Loper had ever run a motor boat at the time he saw him down in the lower Colorado, if you consider that question and answer of any importance, I would rather have Mr. Loper recalled. He knows whether he did or not. MR. FARNSWORTH: I will call Mr. Loper for fur-ther cross examination, then. THE SPECIAL MASTER: Just for that sole question. He knows better than Mr. Wimmer does. Just that sold question. BERT LOPER was there upon recalled by the defendant for recross examination, and having been heretofore duly sworn herein, testified as follows: RECROSS EXAMINATION BY MR. FARNSWORTH: THE SPECIAL MASTER: This doesn't make Mr. Loper Mr. Farnsworth's witness. He is just recalled for recross examination at my request. BY MR. FARNSWORTH: Q Do you recall Mr. Wimmer on the lower Colorado in the year 1921 on the occasion when he brought up some supplies in |