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Show 6822 Wimmer- D 4811 Q What about the wagon? A the wagons we used on that trip were worth two hun-dred dollars. Q What was the cost per ton mile of carrying freight down the river? A I haven't figured that out, but I would haul about we would average eight ton going down, and average three ton coming up. Q And you would take that eight tons down for about the same price that you could bring the three tons up? A I could take it a little cheaper, but not such. THE SPECIAL MASTER: The same cost? A The same cost. BY MR. FARNSWORTH; Q At the same cost, that is what I mean. A Yes. Q What about depreciation with your land outfit and your water outfit? A Oh, well, the land outfit was a great deal more; depreciation of the boat was very little, and the depreciation on the horses and harness and wagon, that dry country, is pretty |