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Show 200 :JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE we were not on the best understanding ; and to perform this journey, each had about ten pounds of venison ; only let me ask what would our soldiers generally think, on being ordered on such a tour, thus equipped? yet those men volunteered it, with others and were chosen ; for which they thought themselves highly honored; we ac. companied then1 about six miles, pointed out the pass alluded to, in a particular n1anner, but the corporal reported that the new one which I obliged him to take was impassable, having been three days in snows nearly middle deep. We then separated and having killed a deer, sent one of the men back to the fort with it. With the other two, 1 kept on my exploring trip down the river on the east side, at some leagues fron1 its banks, intending to return up it; at nine o'clock at night., Pnr~mped on a stnall creek which emptied into the river by nearly a due east course. '20th February, Friday.-We marched down the river for a few hours, but seeing no fresh sign of persons, or any other object to attract our attention took up our route for the fort ; discovered the sign of horses and n1en on the shore. We arrived after night and found all well. 21st February, Saturday.-As I was suspicious that possibly some party of indians might be harboring round, I gave particular orders to my n1en, if they discovered any people to endeavor to retreat undiscovered but if not, never to run, and not to suffer themselves to be disarmed or taken prisoners but conduct whatever party discovered them, if they could not escape to the fort. 22d February, Sunday.-As I began to think it was time we received a visit froxn the Spaniards or their ernisa· ries, I established a look out guard on the top of a hill all day and at night a sentinel in a bastion on the land side;. ... TO TIIE SOURCES OF TIIE ARKANSA ,V, &c. 20t studying, reading &c. Working at our ditch to bring the river round the works. 2Sd February, M onday.-Rcading, writing &c. the men at their usual work, &c. 24th FdJruary, Tuesday.-'Took one man with rnc and 'Nent out on the Spanish road hunting ; killed one d~cr and wounded several others; and as we were a gr ·at distance from the fort, we encamped ncar the road all nio·ht. Saw several signs of horses. 0 25th February, J!Vedncsday. -,-Killed two n1ore deer when we marched for our post. 'f ook all three of the de~r with us, and arrived about 9 o'clock at night, as tnuch fatigued &c. as ever I was in my life. Our arrival dissi~ ated the anxiety of the men, who began to be apprehenSive we were taken or killed by some of the savages. . 26th February, Tbursdoy.-In the morning was appnzed by the report of a g un, from my lookout g uard - ~ili c approac h o f strangers. Imn1euiately after two' Frenchmen arrived. . My sentinel halted thcn1 and ordered thezn to be admitted after some questions ; they informed nle that his exc~Ilency governor Allencaster had heard it was the intention of t?e Utah Indians, to attack me ; had detached an officer with so d ragoons to come out and protect me and that they would be here in two days. To this I mad: no reply . b t h I r. 1 ' u s ort y a.Lter t 1e party carne in sight to the number of, I afterwards learnt 50 dragoons and 50 mounted T · · (_ · ncr . flli ltia of the province, anned in the same tnan-h 1' lvJz: Lances, cscopatcs and pistols. Niy scntinct , a teke them at th , l' f' e (!Stance o about 50 yards. I had the." vor s tnanncd I h h . 11 F · t oug t lt 1nost proper to send out the vo ~ rcnch111 • • f' . . was • en to In onn the commandmg ofhcer thJt it of my Iequcst he should leave his ptlrty in a small Cl)pse Woods where h c l . I . l l I . 1tl t<.'( , anc t 1at l would meet hnn mv .... (' (: |