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Show , .., APPENDIX TO PART Ill. The admini stration of Vallndolid lies between 22) lO', <1nd 1 8~ J ~' N. longitude, and 102° and 105° \V. long i tude, and is hounded soutlt by the South sea, and part of 1\lcxico, cast and north east by the latter, and north by that or Guanaxuato. Its greatest length fro1n north cast to south we!:.t is 230 miles, and its ·g--reatest width cast :\11.1 west 190 miles. Its population may be estimated at 360,000. Its capital of the same name, is situated in about the 20° N. latitude, 103° 2 511 \V. longitude. Population unknowll. The administration or Mexico lies between 21 ° 30', and I G0 30' N.~ln ti tuclc , 99° and 105° \V. longitude, and is bounded south by the ~outh Sea; cast by the governments of La Puebla aud La Vera Cruz; north by that of St. Louis, und west by Vallaclolicl unci Guanaxuuto. Its greatest length north and ::>outh, may be 360 miles. and its g reatest width, which is on the vV estern Ocean, is 200 miles, It population may be estimated at I ,500,000 souls. The capital of thi'l admini stration and of the whole kingdom, is Mexico; a particular description of which is deemed uno cccssJry. From C\'cry informati on I could ol>tain from persons who had r<.:!:>idcd in it for years, it does not contain mor·c than 200,000 inktiJitant:;. It·; bcin~; the rc sidc11ce or the Yice 1 oy, whose court is more splendid than th.ll or l\bdrid; its central position as to the ports or .1\c;qnllco and Vera Cruz, tog-ether with I he ri ch and Juxmi.1nt \':tie which sur l'onnds it, \\'ill whenever the Spanish Arne1 ic~ ns burst the present bonds of slavery in which they arc lJound, give to i\lex ico all t!Josu aclvantagrs which great wealth, a lnrgc popul.ttion, anti a com1n ~l!Hl· ing situation concentrate and a ssuredly make iL one of the :•reatc~t cities in the world. In point of population, it is now in the scconcl runk, and in beauty, riches, magnificence, and splendor in the first. The administration of Oxaca lies between 18° and 16° N.Iati· tude, 98° and 11 2° \V .longitude, antl is bounded !:.Outh by the South Sea, west by the gove1'!1ment of La Puebla, north bv l\lcxico and La Vera Cruz, and cast by the province of Guulam alia. Its t~rcatcst length cast and west 230 miles, and its width north and south 17J miles. Its population may be estimated nt 530,000 souls ~ Its c:tpilal is Oxaca in 17° 301 N. latitude, 99° 251 \Y. longitude. The administration of Vera Cruz lies bet ween 17° ancl 22° N. latitude and 9 so and l<Jl 0 \V. longitude, and is bounded north and cast by the gulf of Mexico, south by Oxaca, west by PuebJn and Mexico. Its gTcatest length N. vV. and S. E. is 430 miles, and its width E. and \lf..;'. not more than 60 miles. lls population mny be estimated at 220,000. Its capital is Vera Cruz, which is the ·ole port of entry for all the kingdom on the Atlantic ocean, as 1\PPEl\'DJX TO PARr liT. th.~t <,f .\capu1co is CJn the \Vcstcm. I ts population m ay be c.Hilttaled at 30,000 . oub, and i-; in 1!)0 101 X. lati tude and 9S0 30' \V. lon,~itudc. Tl1i-; t:ily was taken allcl s~\ckc d by the E11g-lish on the 17th l\fay, 168;;, since which the works f(n· its defence h;wc been made so very strong, as almost to bid cldiancc to an ~\tlack front the sea. The administration clc Ia J>uchla lies between 20° and lG0 N· latitude and 100° and 102° \V. Jon g-itndc, ancl is bounded south by the South sea, ra~t by Oxaca and Vna Cruz, north ancl west by lVIcxico, and i<; ncar 300 mi les in its ,P Teatcst lrnr-th from north to •.) south, and I ~0 in its gTeatest width f1·om ea'lt to west. I t~ popu la-tion may be csti tnatccl at 800,000 souls. Its capital is the city of La Puebla, c timatecl at 80,000 souls, which is in 19° 12' N. lat itude, 100° 501 \V. long-i tude. T he administration of Guanaxuato lies between 21° 3C/ and 22° 30 1 N. latitude and 103° and 105° \tV. longitude, and is bounded south by Vall a<lol icl, cast by Mexico, nol'lh by St. Louis Z acntaca, anti west by Guadalaxara. Its gt·eatest exten t, from north to south, is 75 miles, ~mel from east to west 85. Its population may be e stimated at soo,ooo souls. Its capital city is Guanaxuato, in latitude 21° N. longitude 103° \V. The administration of Zacataca lies between 21° ~0' and 24 ° 52' N. latitude and I 03° and I 05° 30' \V. lon g itude, and is bounded north by the internal province of Biscay, cast by St. L ouis, west by Guadalaxara and south by Guanaxuato. I ts greatest length is 2 10 miles, north and south, and its greatest width is 145 miles, from cast to west. Its population may be estimated at 250,250 souls. The capital, Zacataca, stands in 23° N. lati tude and 104° vV. longitude. The administration of St. Louis lies between 2 1° 20' and 28° 50' N. latitude and 99° and 102° \ V . l ong itude, and includes Texas and St. Ancler in this uim ension, and is bounded north by New Leon, east by the province of St. Ander, south by Guanaxuato and Mexico, and west by Zacataca. Its greatest length from north to south is 200, and its width from east to west is 170 miles. Its p opulation muy be estimated at 31 1,500 souls. Its capital, St. Louis de Potosi the population o[ which is 60,000: it s tands in 22° ~.latitude, 103e~ W. longitude, and was founded in 1568. The province of Nuevo San Ander is bounded north by the province of Texas, west by N ucvo Leon and Cogquillo, south by St· Louis, and east by the Atlantic ocean, and from north to south is about 500 miles in le ngth, but from cast to west not more than 150· Its population may bC' e stimated at 38,000 souls. The capital, New " |