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Show 18 APPENDIX TO P.AHT I. " ' <.. we 1 r.. not r<m'lcions, !>it·, of the error I acldlOwltcl )!;c we ~1a1c h <'ll r;u ilty to ro n1mit, by c . hihitin ~ to view 011 your l<'rritory a11y st. ndat•d or (; ll',\t HritHin. r I~ ill pl< dge myse lf to rom gon·rnmrut, that l n- illll'•C n1r lltmo">t t'JHJc a, nt·s, <t!:l !:>OOil as poso.,illl:, to j'l't\'Uit the futnrr di:;pl.\r of tl•c llt·i ti!;h fLq.~ , ot· the presc11 tim; of mrduls, ot· tlH' <' \. lnl iti1 1!; to public' icw, any other murk of btropl'an ]H1Wer, th11 II! hout the n;tctlt of terri tory kt lo\\ n to bel ong to thr do Jll illion of the l ' nit d t,tatcs. Thr nt~to nt h a~ long- been estalll iti llt'cl anti " c in nocently aud illom:mi\'ely, as we inw ~;;ined, have co11formcd to it tiJJ the pl'CS\.'l ll <\.1 . . He pc t·suadrcl that on no con-;idl"ration, shall any Indian be cntcrtainccl on poli tical suhj cctc;, or Oil any amlit"i foreign to 0\l l' trade i and rcfrt nr<' shall be m.:lcle to the A met ican agents, should any nppli ·o~ti o n he m:Hle worthy such n ·rncncc ; and he <tS<;\Jred thut we as a ~·o mm crc i ;d company tHil !:>t lind it ever our inte rests to in trtftrc <:1!-> li ttle as pos·;ii>Jc \\ ith f'l {fd it'S of g"O VC1'111ll('l)\ in the CO\l"'>l..' of tradl' j i g·nor:uJt as we arc in thi~ rude and di<>tant country of the political 'll'\'.S of uations. \V c arc con \ illcrd that the incst i 'l'alJ!c nth ,mu:gc s arising from t~te 'lHie.1vors of you r government, to e sta bl i ~ h u more pcacdul COlli'SC or t rack in tL i!> l><l ' l't of thr tcn·itol'}' bl iott ,l', innu· lo tht: Cllitccl Stat<'s, are not' r <JI ,ired tlttou gh the me re libe ral ity of a nation, and arc ready to contribute to the ex pense tH'< ·ss:1rily attending- them. \Ve arc not a ver~<.: to pay the common duties C!>lL~l>l i">hed by law, nnd will e\'et· be r ·ady to confot·m ourseh es tn al l rules and re g-ula· tions of tl'<H.lc tltat may L>c established accordi ng- to common justice. I beg to be allowed to say, that we have: rcac.;on to hope, that every measure "ill be adopt<·d to secure and f..wilit'ltc the u·ade \lith the Incli.mc; ; and these hope<> sce111 to be con lirml·d beyond the smatle t idea of doubt, "hen we sec a l1l :.lll s< Ill among us, ''Ito ins•c .... cl of pri1 ate cnn'liclcrat icJnS to prcuni .. try \ ie v<;, pn.:fll'S the Ito· nor, di ~nity aud lenity of his govc t"tlment , and \\hose lt\tnsact ions arc in every re!:>pcct so confot·mablc to equi ty . \Vhr n wt: behold an armed force ready to protect o1· c h ;1~t i se a1; necessity o1· policy lll <~Y ctin ct, we know not how to express out· ~ ratitu dc to that people who,;c only view se-ems to oe to pt•omote tlte Jwppi ncss of al l, ti iC sav n~;e s that ro\'C o' Cl' the wild conlin< s of th ci t· douwin not ex· cr ptccl. It is to you, si t·," c feel oursche<> moc;t g- reatly inclc.:hlccl, whos_c c J.,j tn to honor, esteem and t'c'>pcct, will ever be held in hi g-lt cstl· mation by myself and assot. i <~t cs. The danger aud ltardsflips hy your fortitude vatHruishc<l, and by your pcr~evc rancc O\crcomc, ;u e APPE~DIX TO PART I. 1~ si {llal, and will <'vcr l>e preserved in the annals of the~. W. Company. \Verc it solely from the comidcrations of those who ha\'c exposed thcit· li''<'S in a long and pet·ilous march throug·h a cou ntry , where th ·r had every di~tre ss to suH'tr, autl muny d .. tllt~·c rs to exp'ct (and this with a view to establish peace in a sa' ag·c country,) we should think ourselves undct· the most strict ol, Ji g-n tion to •~s~ist them; but we know we arc itt a counu·y whe re ho!:>pit ulit} ancl gratitude arc to be considered above every other \'i l'lue, and thl'l'clcH·c hare offered for· their· relief what ou1· poor menn~ can allow: aud, sit·, permit me to embt·ace the opportunity, to testify that 1 feel mvsclf hi~;hly bonorecl by your acceptance of such accommodations;\!> my humble roof could alford. \Vith g reat con!:>idcration anJ high t' spect fot· the governm ent of the Uni ted States, allow me to express my esteem and n: g·~1rd for )Oll. I am, sil·, Your obedient humble scn •ant, (Sigucd) JJ. i\I•(~II, t.t 1 l.inu Pike, Of N. \V. Company. lst. Rt'gt. Cnitcd Statts infantry. -·- [ No. 7. J A SPEECll I EL[VEHRD TO TIIE 5 At.'TEAUX lN A COUNCIL, AT LEECH LAKE, J GT u n: n H u A 1t y, I 80 6. DROTHlt:us-A few mouths since the Spaniards s l1ut up the ~lOilth of the Missi::.sippi, and prcvcntC'cl the Amc1 irans frotn floutlllg down it to the sea. This your fath er, th<' pre::iident of the Uni ted States would not admit of. lie, thel'efot·c, took such m easures as to open the ri ve t·, and remove the Spaniards from both side~ of the Mississippi to a gTcat distance on the olhc1· side of the .1\lis~ouri, ~~~rl to open the road from the ocean of the cast to that of the west. I he A me ' ·i ca, ns 1> c·m g- 1 · t 1cn at pc:1cc wah all the world, your ~p·cat f<~thct·, the president of the United States, began to look round on hJs red chilclrcn, in ordt'l' to see what he coul~l do to render them hap~y and '!Cnsiblc of his IH'otcction. For that purpose he sent two •f Ius captains, Lewis and Clark up the Missouri, to p:.u;s on to tilt:" |