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Show 15 1t JOUHN AL OF i\. VOYAGE lutled to scare h for then1 on the m.o r. we, however, cone .1 • finding them, to stnkc . I '{' ' uid not SUCCeCu Ill . row, anu 1 w . hopes to dtscover some the Arkansaw' w h er. c ., we were 111 . ff by the savages. traces, tf not cut o d Cot1lmcnced our route at a 1. ' tur ay-l8tb Oct over, a ·, 1 k d' scovercd two men on . t . bout ten o c oc ' 1... • d n0 · od t1me, anc ..t aiter . ) they mforme · • hofus (oncmyw ' horse-back 111 scare d on the Arkansaw, about three us the party was encampc h were . this surprised us . h f w h 'rc we t en . . . Jn1lcs sout 0 · of that nver bemg so had no conceptiOn . . very tnuch as we . b lieutenant Wilkinson, 0 . arnval were n1ct y c nc~lr. . n o1:1! .r hc ' party wa grea• t 1y concerned lOr our who with a t e c h rt 's arrival, had not Th Ark1nsaw, on t c pa Y safety. . , d n'l the stream was not m,orc . · · hes ecp a " . d water m It SIX Inc '.. ' . f' the two days covcle . 'd, but the rau1 o . . than ~0 f 'Ct WI e, . I . ·h . this place IS 4.7 0 f h , n ver w uc In r all the bottom o t e ' 1 . ·1 .. ' not more than IOlll' )··tnls fro In banl\ . t bank ' w 1.1 C l .ue ·ood trees on th c • . . , , l b a few cotton-w feet in height' boHlcr< c. y .. · , on the south by a I ·wampy prau1c, north ::,ide by a ow 11 l' . . e In the afternoon ~·mdy stcn'l l ·t '\ t '1 sma t l~t~mc . h t CSL'l ' • I ., ld cro sed t e . ' ,lr 1 our lm es ai . . the do ·tor and m sc too cl i. . , lC trees which might (\I . ·l ·, . t Sl'ar· 1 Ol ~on d ·}""c Ub. i\w ' m Oll '- r o . }- ' r d but one an "Ul )eS . !Ollll ·m~\ l'r t h ' pu rpos, to 111.\ -..c c. . '. . t lq o'clock at ' r vt. ll rtH'd at l \ \1~I~. . 1t commenced rammg a - fll·~ ' I II. ,. 1' . t11e n·v r n· s 1' ng ra· n s 1 -} lllL mg , 1 !Hh Ot!olnT, ~ un ·'.' · .. "\ ·c over, we . ll v I tlllHI )'ht 1. t l , .t l1 sl'curc our pas ,g . )CS L .. k A M. Raw pu J ' 1 . ,. d b . ten o' cloc ' . h' II • ' <jlll 'l\1 ly 11\all' lt go r ·labor and t e ( I I • • } . . l 'll'l11S 101 ' ;I II < I ol y• Pn 'l>a nng our too s ttllL, ' '!.,,,. oil till' 11\orruw. l our Iaborat • • j 1 I c )111111CllCet II( J/11 ()tlolwr, fv Ollt ay.- . l tich doatcd .... · l , ro\ ct too m ,,., , lt t·t ·• . l< ,l' r .uHws, Hit oJH bp. l)l'ccl1·lrgcc~our guns I l 1 , c1 nc •J ' • dl ,·dtwollltll.t nant me·. . ' anclapcur of I t hu hl'~,t shot a pnzc of one tent I I II '" · \ 1 • TO THE SOUHCES OF THE A HKANSA ,V, &c. 155 shoes. Our only dog, was standing at tho root of the tree, in the grass, and one of the balls, struck hin1 on th head and killed him. Ceased raining about 1 2 o'clock. 21st October, Tuesdoy.-Doctor Robinson and Inyse1f mounted our horses, in order to go down the river to the entrance of the three last creeks, we had cro sed on our rout, but meeting with bulfalo, we kill 'd four; also, one cabrie. Returned to camp and sent for the meat. 22d October, Mrcdnesday.-liaving sat up very late last evening, expecting the sergeant, and party (who did nol arrive) we were very anxious for them, but about J 0 o'clock Bradley arrived and informed us, that they could not find the buffalo, which we had killed on the prairie, they all arrived before noon, and in the afternoon w, scaffoldcd some meat and nearly compleat d the frame of a ::,kin Canoe, which we concluded lo build; overhauled my in. struments and made son1e rectifications pr paratory to tak ing an observation &c. 23d October, Thursday.-I)r. Robinson and myself, accompanied by on man, a~c 'nded the river with an intention of searching the Spanish trace ; at the same time, '" (' dispatched Baroncy and our two h untl'rs to kill some buf~ falo, to obtain the skins tor canoes. W c ascended the river, about 20 miles to a Ltrt;c hranch on the right; just a~ dusk gave chas to a bnfL\1~,.) and was obliged to shoot ~metcen balls into him, before' we killed him. }:ncamped m the fork. 21· October, Friday.-\V c asscndcd the right branch about five miles, but could not , ec any sign of the Spanish tl'ace · tl11's · · · 1 • b h ' Is not surp"n zmg, as t w nvcr cars sout West, and they no doubt kept more to the west from the head of one branch to another. \Ve returned and 011 our way, killed some prairie :.;quirr cl. , or wi~hton\\i~hc~. |