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Show APPENDIX TO PART I. hns been collecting materials fot· their natural and philosophical l1istory. I have not attemp t ec1 to f;-l, 'i\'e an account of nat ions of I.n cl.i nn.s whom I did not vi sit except the .llsshmiboins, ~vho, fr~m tl~<.:tr IIlli- mate conncct.w n w.i t 11 t I1 e 's ·w ux (in ''"l lin al JJUJnt of new) lt would have been imprope l' to have left out of the catul ogue. . The cotTectncss of the geo~raphical pans of the voyage I wtll vouch for, as I spared ueithe t· tin1e, fati~-;u e, nor dang-:: t·, to sec my- ~c lf every part connected with my im medial , rou te. . . The general alreac Iy 1< nows., .•\ ttl1 c t'ttllC 1 left .S t. Louts, the. re were no :m s· tl. \tm ell'.S prOj)Ct' fot· celestial observatlOt lS (<.:x.c epunI g tl o~e which he furni shed me, which were inad equate to takm~ l1e l:n ~i tud , ) ; nc i thCJ' had I the propc,. ta bl cs noJ· authoJ'S to acco~J· pli~h that ohjert, hut it can no doubt be asrertamed, hy. vanol.lS ch:lt ts~ at diiTcrcnt ))Oints of my route; neither llucl l proper umc·pteccs not instru nH'nts for rn 'trorolog.t cul observau·o ns. Tl to sc m·.1' cle wct.· e from an impe'{C'ct.m strument I put .c 11 .. \src1 .J n the town. of St. Lou. ts. I do not possess the rpt.diflcations or the naturahst, and ~\ C~ l"Hl they been lllinc. it wonlcl ha\'e been ·t mpos.s. t·1 ) 1c to have .g raufieu t"h em tO any grC'at extent, as \\ , C Jh.l ~S.e <1 \\,I· tl1 t"'1 J>i cl it•y over the roun-f try we SU I'\'l } cd, which was co1c r <1 w.l t I1 s.n ow IX month'l out o the n.i ne I was absent. And I. IHI c <·1t, n~y tl 'oug I1 t ~. were too muct 1 1 ell'rrossccl in makmg- prOY.l '•·l Ons r1 0 1• I 11 0, e, x•q• .,,. c· ncic..s of the m. ort·owI', Iu :llt:t-.: mpt a science which rcqu.t rcs t.t mc i.\11< I a p l ac.J·< lity of mmcl w ltC l scldot\1 fdl t'> my lot. . · . · ation The J·oumal in itself .,., ill have little to stnke the Jm,\g Jn, ~ I t ·1 dull detail of our daily m..trch, anc I <onlaJ· n·u wo nwny nf ote, ~_ wmb ic•h ~hould havG come m. to the f;Co~~rapl. .t c". t I P.•1 1 ·t . others, o Oil ' , , • in- ~ervations on the savag-e character, aJH 1 many thi.lt were ne\ct tcnclrcl to h"ve been inclmlcd in IllY o!1'lcial rc:port. I I fire· The daily occurrences wcr~.: wn·t lcn <.~ t nq· ~·· ht , frequent Y >y" ,. licrht "hen extremely fati ;.?,ucd, and t I1 ' coIt I so sc verc as tfo f't )eJlc'CzSc· tit:- . in' k in my pen, or COll\'SC have ll•l tlc c 1m • m t 0 c le~anc.e o Iex' I ·i l·on Ol' style. but they have truth to rccom metH.1 them. ' w 11,c l 1'ts' ts .11,\ '1'\:s attende, d to, would Sll'.I P the pag·cs o f m..m y 0 f 0 t II.' JOUI'n ,t , 1 . ·c to (( r l'lJlc .; ir most illlCl'CSil•l l!.; OCCIIl'l'ellCCS. 'I I1 e gr ene- raJ W. ill p f'e .\,5 the rJ· ccullcc t abo, that I had scarcely returned to S'- t. L oms., . fb e .o tsco me '(lya!-!;C now• ''lll1temJ)Iation was J1I 'O)>OSl: d to me, and <~ te.1 Jucccl Ill , . . . . respects) tn( cotl~idcraticm, 1\lY duty (amlll)cltnauutl tn ~ome . u 1c to urH!ert~tke it. 1 1 possibili '1)1 .. ·11 r L: 1, ,1rations for my new voyage prevcntcc tlC 1 t t>f my p:~. ~ying th.tt attention to the run·rr tJ.o n °r my ct Tors. t Hl APPENDIX TO PAHT L ~hould othel'\visc have done. This, with the foregoing- reasons, will, ) hope, be deemed a sufiicient apology for the numerous cnors, tautologies and egotisms which will appe<u·. I am, dear general, \\ ith g r·cat respect, Your obedic11t sr n ·ant, (Signed) Z. ::\1. PI.I\. 1~, Lt. 1st. Hegt. Infty. General .fame.~ 117/kinson. -·- [No. 16. J li1structions rlelivrred to sergeant Ilt'llriJ Krnnrnnan, a~ Pine creek mj1id8, Oct. 1, 1805·: YOU m·e to remain here with the party under your command, subject to the following instructions: viz.-Your guilrds to consist: of one non-commis~ioned officer and three privates, yourself mounting in reguldr mtation, making one ccntiuel by day and by nig-ht; and, until your position is inclosed by pickets, every man is to be employed on that object; after which Sparks is to be employed in hunting: but this will by no means excuse him ft·om his tout· of guard at night when in the stockade ; but he must be relieved during the day by another' man. ' Should any Indians visit you p1·evious to having· your works complete, divide yoUJ· men bet ween the two block houses, and on no conditions suJl'cJ· a savage to entet· into the:: Oltc where the stores ure, and not more than one or two into the other : but sltould you be ~o fortunate as not to be discovcr·ed until your· works arc completed, you may adrnit three, without arms, and no more, to enter at onc~at the same time always treating them with as much friendship as is consistent with yout· O\\ n safety. You at·e furnished with some tobacco to present them with; but on no condition do you cvet· give them one drop of liquor, in ... fot·ming them I have taken it all with me. F1·om the arTanP·ements I ~ !tave made with the Sioux it is p1·esumable they will treat you With friendship; but the Chipcways may be disposed to hostilities, and, should you ever· be attacked, calculate on sut'renclering with your life. Instruct your· ntcn not to fire at random, nor ever, unless the enemy is ncar enough to make him a jwint blank shoL Thi• !ou must par·ticulal'!y attcnt!to, and punish the first man found acting lh ~nt ct· . . ra lClron thert•to. The g"l'eatcst economy must be used wHh 5 |