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Show APl'ENDIX TO PART I. NOTES TO TilE PI~LC EDING "OBSERVATIONS," b'c. A. Drscrijltion of the ~V. 11 '". comj1any's fort at Sandy lakr. The fort at Sanuy Jake is situated on the south side of the lake, ncar tht 1>: end, and is a stockade of roo fed square, with Bastions at the S. E. and N. W. •nglc;;, pierced for ~mall arms. 'rht: piclt1 ts ,1rc squJrcd on the outside, round within of about one foot diameter, and are IJ feet ahovt grouml. There are three ~atcs: the principal one fronts ~h e lake on the N. and is IO fee t hy 9, tl c one on the W. 6 f..:ct hy 4· the one on the .E. 6 fc.el by 5. A& you <'ntc r hy the main gate you have on the left :1 building of one story 20 feet square, I he res•dt·nce d th e superintendant. Oppobite to thia house, on the left of the E. gate is a house zs f<·ct by 15. the quarters uf the men Ou en tering the W. gate you lind the fitore house on the rivh t, 3 f<"et by zo, and, on your lrft, a building 40 feet by zo whilh t'OtHains rooms for clerk~, a work-shop, <llld provi~iou-~torc. On the 'V and N \V. is an cndo&ure of about 4 acres picltcted in ; iu which last ycnr they rai~t· d 400 bu~hcls 1lf lnsh potatoes, cultivating no other vegetable. In this cnclobut c is a very ingcniouJiy const1 ucted v.111lt to contain the potatoc,, but whir.h likewise has Jmct apartments, to conceal liquors, dry gooJs, &c. B. n cocrijltion of the ~~ Tr. COIIIjWII!f'·" fort U( L eech lake, in February, 1806. The fort is situated on the W. side of the lake, in 47° r6' J3'' N. lat. It is built ncar the &hore, on the declivity of n ri sing ground, having an enclosed gardcu of about 5 acres on the N. W. It i~ a ~quare &tnrkatk of r.so fcet, the pickets be· in~ 16 fret in lrngth, 1 fu :t under, and r 3 above tht· ~round, and :tre bound together hy horizontal bars. each ro feet )QII~· Pickets of ro feet arc likewise drove into the ~round, on the inside of the work, opposite the apertures b<.twecn the large picket~. At the W. :.:nd E angles ;1rc ~quare b:1stions pier ced for fire arms. The main building in the rear, fronting the lake, is 6o feet hy zs, I J-Z ~tory :high; the W. end of which is occupied by the dire tor of the l'ond clu Lac de· partment. lie has a hall r8 feet square, bed room and kitchen, with an office. The centre is a trading shop of I z J -z ft·et sc1uarc, with a bed-room in the rear of the ~a me dimen~ions. 'I h<. E. end is a large ~tore ,_5 feet by zo, under which there i~ an icc-houqc well fi1led. The loft txtcnds over the whole building, and contains hales cf goods, p:~ cks of pcltries; also chests with soo bu~hels nf wild rice. Bc! ridcs the icc-hou c there arc cellars under all the other r•trb of the buildin~ · The d'lOrs aml wind ow- ~hut t crs Jrc musket-proof. APPENDIX TO P.\HT I. On theW. side is a rauge of huil,lings 54 by rr. feet , fronting the par:~ <lc , the N. end of which is a cooper's ~hop r8 by I4, wtth a rell.tr; joiP i'l!-, to whirh b a 1 1 ,, 111 G>lllcd the Indian hall (. expres~ly for the reception of lndi·l11~, au I iu whirh t h~: chiefs who met me in couucil were eutcrtaiucd). In t!1is hall Jrc two closul bunk ~ for interpreters : its dimeusion·, arc zi feet by t8. Adjoining t<' this i, ,1 room 1 ~ feet square, for the clerks (in which my small p;1rty were quartered . UuJcr bv }J of the latter r oom~ ar..: cellars. On the E. side 1s a range of buildings 50 feet hy r 8, which haq one room 20 feet :uHl .one. of 15 feet, for IJII1rters for the men; .dso a hhck~tn i tiHhop 1,f T.) feet, .wh1ch ts .OCC UJ~icq hy an excelltnt workman. Un the ltft of the l11.lln gate, frontmg the nver, 1S th~:" fla~-staff so feet in hr ij!ht. They intended bu.ilding a small block hou:~e over tl1e main gate, f1 on ling the lake, to pbce a small ptecc of artillery iu. There arc, lik..:wilic, gatt:i 011 rh N. and E. flanks of about 10 feet by 8. D. The fzrice of good&· in r:rcliangr 'wi th the ) IJ(/iantJ of tlii'l quart er, ·L•i:. Dol!tJr.,, Blankets, 3 and 2 I-z point each pill& If X Ditto z ditto, z 4 Ditto I r-z ditto, I '2. .Blue strouds, per fathom, 4 "~· Scarlet cloth, ~-6 6 1 2. Wor~ted hinding, per piece, 4 t) Vermillion, per pound, 4 8 Molten, blue and white, per fathom, 2 4 Gunpowder, per half pint, I 2. Balls, 30 per I 2 Shot of :dl sorts, per handful, I ~ Tobacco, per carrot, 4 8 Twist tobacco, per fathom, l 2 BGaver traps, each, 4 8 Half axes, z -4 Castite~, I 2 N. W. Guns, each, JO zo Knives, I 2 Wampum and silver works, there is no regulation, ao; well 3s Rum · but tlu· real 1m ·c e o f goods here in exch:mgc for Peltry, iD about twl') hundred ' and fifty per cent on the prime cost. G!:() . 1\ NJ\l!ltSt) • • |