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Show .. 8 JOUHNAL OF A VOYAGE carried over the portage. With the other boat however full loaded, they were not able to get over ~he last shoot, and encamped about 600 yards below. I p~tchcd m~ tent and encamped above the hoot. The rap1ds ment1?nc\l in this day's march, might properly be called a cont11 tuation of the falls of St. Anthony, for they arc equally entitled to this appellation, with the falls of the Del a vvare and Susquehanna. Killed one deer. Distan~e 9 m.il('S. 27tb Sept. Friday-Brought over the resu.luc of my loading this nwrning. Two men arrived, from Mr. Frazer, on St. Pl'ters, for my dispatches. 'This business, closing and sealing, appeared like a last adieu to the civilized wodd. Sent a large packet to the general, and a letter to Mrs. Pike, with a :slwrt note to Mr. Frazer. Two young Indians brought my flag across by land, who arrived yesterday, just as we came in sight of the falls. I made them a present for their punctuality and expedition, and the danger they were exposed to fro1n the journcy.Carried our boats out of the river, as far as the bottom of the hill. 2'dtb S,'j>t. Saturday-Brought my barge ovet, and put h 'r in the river above the falb-whilc we were engaged with her ~3-4 miles from camp, seven Indians painted black appeared on the heights-We hau left our guns at camp, and were entirely defenceless-It occurred to me that they were the small party of Sioux who were obstinate, and would go to war, when the other part of the bands came in; the::;e they proved to be; they were better armed than any I had ever seen; having guns, bows, arrows, clubs, spears, and some of them even a case of pistols. I was at that time giving 111y n1cn a dran1; and giving the cup of liquor to the first, he drank it ofT; but l was n1orc cautious with the remainder. I sent 1ny interpreter to camp with them, to wait my cominrr; wishin~ to purchase one of their war clubs, it being 1nadc of elk TO THE SOUHCES OF TliE MIS '.:> IS ~ TPPT. horn, and decorated with inlaid work. This and a set of bows aud arrows, I wished to get a· a curiosity. But th ~ liquor l had given him, bC'ginning to operate, he came back for me, but refusing to go till I brought my boat, he rctu~ncd, and (I suppose being ofFended) borrowed a canoe and crossed the river. In the afternoon got the other boat ncar the top of the hill, when the props gave wa ,, and she slid all the way down to the bottom, but fortunately without injuring any person. h raining very hard, we left her. Killed one goose and a racoon. 29tb Sept. Sunday-£ killc<.l a remarkably large racoon. Got our large boat over the portage, anu put her in the river, at the upper landing; this night the men g~wc sufficient proof of their fatigue, by all throwinrr . -~ themselves down to sleep, preferring rest to supper .... This day I had but 15 nwn out of 22 ; the others were sick. This voyage could have been performed with great convenience, if we haJ taken our departure in .Tune. But the proper time would be to leave the Illinois as soon ~-. the icc would permit, when the river would be of a goo I height. :JOth Sept. Monday-Loaded my boat, nwvcd O\ L't· ~nd ~ncampcd on the island. The large boats loading likewise, we went over and put on board. In the m '<u time? I took a sm·vey of th Falls, Portage, &c. If it be possible to pass the Ellis in high water, of which I ~un doubtful, it must be on the cast side, about thi rty yards from shore ; as there arc three layer of rocks, one bel c)\'. the other. The pitch olf of either, is not n1ore than fi v< feet; but of this I can say more on tny rl'turn. ·~ l.rt Oct. Tucsday-EzubarkeJ late. 1'he river at J1r~t appeared n1ild, and sufficiently deep; but after about 1()lJr mdes, the shoals commenced, and had very hard water air • It i..; never J'03sihk, 'IS :1'-N'rtaiu ed nu my n ~ urn. · |