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Show 20 APPENDIX TO P ... \HT I. w<'st sc::~, in ordu· to sec all his 1\{'W ch ilclrcn, to go ro11ncl the world that ''·~ r .1nd return b\' 11uter. 'J her !it<~)' ·d the li1·st \1 inter at tht 1\i.\ttdane's , ill .t~•c, where } ou nti!)ht h,t\ l' lteard of th 'nt. Tlti year your g rr ·t t. l'.tthl'r din·ctt•d l1is g' l'('at w:u·. chid g·<·nn~l \\'ilkinso11) at St. Louis, to send out<~ tllttllbcl' ol In-; y o "n~~ \\'arnors up the . Jissolll'l, ll lit tnis, 1 Js,q.!; 1 i' tr, and o i her cottrst·s, to k . I'll the t.itu.tt ion of hi-, rt•d clti lcl1 e11, to encour:t~~c the· !';nod. puni'ilt the h,HI, and ntake peace bt't " . en • 1.< nt all, hy j> l'I'!'>Uadin~ tlH'IIt to lay by t~tc hatc he t, and l'ollow them to St. Louis, "here tlte great war rl11cf will oprn tiH it· rat's, that they nt<ty ht·ar the trlltlt, and their qcs, to sec what is right. BnoTHt·:ns-1 wa<; chosen to r~srcnd the Mis...,issippi, to hPar to his red chitdrt'n the words or their f. tt!tcr; and the Gn·at Sj,irit has opened the y<'S anc\ cars of al l the nat ion-; th ,\t J h:l\'.<' passed, to Jist<' ll to my " orc\s. Th<' Sauks ~nd Hcyt.tard<> arc plant Ill~; rol'll and rai .,ing· cat~lc. The 'Vincha~ns continue pc .trt',lble, as m1~al, and cYen the Sioux ltavc !,lid l.Jy the h ~tchct at 111)' rcquc!iit. \ cs, my brotltcrs, the Siou:~:, \lhO have so long and so obstinately ""l!~rcl 11ar against the C'hipcw.tys, h.11C agreed to lay by the hatchet, smoke the calumet, and become again ) our brotltns, as tht y were \IOilt to be. BnoTJtEHs-You hchol<l the pipr of 'Vabasha, as a proof of what 1 S<IY. Tltc Lial · Corbcau, 'I i ll::, De Pinrhow, and tltc L'.\ilc R o11g-e h<~d tn:JtThed 250 \\ urriors to 1 n ·cng-c the blood of tlwir women and rhildrcn, slain la-;t yc~11· at tht' St. Peters. J sc·nt a runnet' <~fter tltcnt, stoppt'd their m,lrch, :mel met t hc n1 in council at the month of St. Pctt•rs, where tii('Y promi~cd to remain pt·aceablc until my rctmn; ancl if the Ouct. ipa\ ah cl1icf-; <H'Companied me to r ccei1 c them <t'i IJrot h<"rs, and to ,,c·rottt p:my It '> to St. L ouis, there to bury t he lt,\tCill't and smoke the pipe itt t!te prl' " <'IH'C of N il' great wm· chief; and to t·cqucst lti111 to punish tlw-:,c '' ho ftr~ t ht•oke the peace. B}{OTJIJms-1 sent fl a?;s ancl a mcc;c;a!~f' tlp the St. Pctc·rs to th<' b'-!tl<b of Sioux on that ri\' c •-, rcqu~stin g th<·m to IC·main quiet, and not to go to wat'. The pcnpl<' or t It<· Lea \'c·s r ccci t·cd lilY mrss:: tp;t', and sc•tH me word tltat th e ~· would olH'y; hut tltc Yancton.g-s and ~u%itnngs had le!'t the St. P<'t<Ts prc"v inltS to nty mrssagt• arl'!rin~, and clicl not l'el·ci' c it. Bllt "ltc11 1 ldt !ll) t'ort they !tad '1Jl· l)f)ittt<•cl a cl.ty for 50 of their cltief:-. and watri<>t'S to colllc an.cl. sre n1c, hut I could 11ot wait for them; so that, as tu ti·Lir dispo.tlton~ for peace or war, I c~mnot auswcr po)o,i til'{· ly. APPENDIX TO PART I. ~I DnoTnEns I have, therefore, come to fetch some of yout· approved cltid':, '' itlt me to St Louis. HnOTHF.Hs-Iu spc..tkin,.;- to yuu I speak to brmc waniot·s. It is, th ercJOrc, not nty intention tu deceive you :-pos:-.ibly \1 e nti g-ht meet with some had people who nwy wish to do us i ll; but, if ~0, we will die tog·cther, ce rtain that our f.ttltcrs, the Antcri calls, will scllle with them lo r Olll' blood. liH OT IJEHs-I find) ou have rec eived fr·om your trader<> English mcd;ds and Oa~~s. Th 'S<' you rn11st dclivc·r up, and your chi ·fs who go with me shall rcc ivc others from the Antcrican government, in their room. Dnon11ms-Tntdcrs have no n 1thoritr to make chiefs; and ill doing this they have done 1dwt is not ri!;ht. It jg only great chiefs, appointed by yuu1· fathers, \\Ito lta\'e that ct \tthority. But ut the same time you ar·c under considct\tblc oblig·ations to yonr tt\tdcrs, who come ovct' brge waters, ltig·h mountain<>, and 11p S\vift falls, to supply you with clothing· for your women <~nd chilclrcn, and ummunition for· your hunters, to feed you, and keep you from perishing with cold. Rnonn:ns-Your chic·fs should sec yottr traders done justice, obli~c your young- rncn to pay thtit· credit<>, and pt·oicct them from insults ; and your tr·.l dCI'S, on their part, must not cheat th · Indians, but give them the ,·~luc of thei r sl,ins. BnoTJHns-Yonr fathc·r i-; g-oin~ to :tppoint chiefs of his own to l'esiclc among-st yon, to sre jllsticc done to his wltitc and red thildt·cn, who wi ll punish those who dcscn•c p11ni ltment, without reference to the colot· of their skin. DHOTlii<:Hs-T ll lldcrstancl tl1at onr of yo11r young- men killed an Arnet·ic.ln at Hc•d L:d~c I 1st }l'ar, b11t that the murder r· i'l f:tr o fT: let him keep <>o-scncl !tint ll'ltcrc we llCI'Ct· m·•y hea r of him more; fot· was he here I wo11ld he ob i1;ccl to cl<'mand l1im of you, and make my roung men !>hont him. i\ly hands on t lt i-. jomncy arc yet cleat· •f blood; m::ty the (;1·cat Spirit keep thl'tn so! DnoTtn:ns- '¥c expcc t, in the summer·, soldiers to come to Ute ~ t Peters · · 1 · I' 1 · · . · • • ) 0111 c nc s w 10 go wtth nw, may cttiH:r cornc up IV!l~l them, ot· sornc tt·adcrs who rctu t·n soo11cr. They may make thctr selection. BnoTH Erts-Ycntt· f.tthcr, finclinrr· tlt at the rum with which you arc sul>[1licd by tl , t .. I . . . . I •> • and bloodshe 1 · tc t ·'< < 1 s, ts t lc orr.1~1011 of quarrels, murders, 1 1 · . . and chilclt·· cn c) ' anc t tat, tnstead of lHt) tng clotltmg fot· your wo111crt 01 . , 1 • • : • t . . . ' 1 spuH }Out· sluns 111 ltquor, &c has d<"tertni nccl • du Cct ht s )·ourtn;:,· ,.•. .. tr1,1. or· :me I c lt J· <.: [ 1 · b' · I k · s to pro u It H 1 one ccp ll |