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Show 42 APPENDIX TO PART lL will please to observe that much of the foregoing rests on conjectu re, and therefore will give it its clue weight. Hut to him I not orlly wtlle ~1s rny general, but as a paternal friend, who would not mal\~.: u!>e ol' my open communications, when not capable of being sub::,tantiatcd by proofs. V e have heard nothing of the Potowatomies; but should they come in a l'c w clays, they will meet with a warm reception, as all arc rcut:y to rccu\e them. Since my arrival here many Spanish medals have been shown lllc, and ::,omc comtllis::,ions. All I have done on the subject is uH:rely to ~Hh ise their deli very 0elow, when they would be acknowkd ~~cd by our government. :VInny have applied for permission to go to S,tint Louis; none of which I have granted, except to the son of Sans Ot·iellc, who (;Oes down to make enquiry for his sister. I ilave advanced our express some things on account, and fot·· ward his receipts; also, some triiles to llanoney, who I have found to he one of the finest young men I ever knew in his situation, and appears to have entirely renounced all his Saint Louis con· ncctions, and is as firm an A mcrkan as if born one : he of course is entirely discarded by the people of Saint J...oui~; but I hope he will uot sulfet· for his fidelity. On the chart fonvarded hy lieutenant ''Vilkinson is noted the census which I camed to be taken of the village of the Little o~mgc ; that of the big- one I shall likewise obtain-which are fl'Om actual enumeration. Lieutenant vVilkinson will (if nothing extra· or·clillc~ry prevents) descend the Arkansaw, accompanied by llallen· set· unci two men, as the former is now perfectly acquainted with the mode of taking courses and protracting his route, and the latter :~ppea t·s as if he had not the proper capacity for it, although a good di!,positioncd and brave man. I am, dear sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) z. M. PI ro:, Lt. (,I'll. 1 Vil/.;.iJZIJ01l. APPENDIX TO PART II. [ No. l I. l 29th August, 1806. . I WILL .contin.uc. my communi cations, by relating that the TVmd ha~ come 111 auclwlormed me that the other two horses which he prom. 1sed have been withdrawn by their ownc1·s . 11 e uppearct1 ~·cally chstressed, ~nd l conceive I do hin1 justice in believing- that he J~ extremely mortified at the deceptions which have been passed 011 l11m. . It is ~vith extreme pain I keep myself cool amongst the difiicultiCs wluch those people appear to have a disposition to throw in my way; but I have declared to them that I should g·:> on, even if J collected our tents and other baggag-e (which we will be obliged to leave together) and burn them on the spot. I have sold the battcaux which [ brought up (and which was extreme.;]~ rotten) fo.r 100 dulla1·s, in merchandize, the price of this plncc, wh1ch l conce1ve was preferable to lenving· her to destruction as I am afraid I do the barg·c (for which I demanded 150 dollar~): although I leave liCr under charge of the Tl'iud and shall repo1·t hct to colonel llun t. I shall <~ispatch the express to-morrow, as l•lc complains much of th~ detentwn, &c. and as I hope nothing worthy of note will occur ~t tlus place pr·evious to our departure. I hope the general will bel~ cvc me to be) and shotdd this be my last report, to have been, his smccrely attached friend and obcdien t se nant, (Signed) Gen. Wilkinson. -·- [ No. 12. J z. l\1. l)IKE, Lt. DEAn. Srn., 30th August, Osagt To1vns, 1806. . I HAVE brought Mr. Noal, alias Maug-raine, to reason, ~nd he Cither .O., 'Oes, 1n · mse If or 1u •r es, at In· s expcncc, a young man who is here who spe~a ks th e J>.· uu· s 1a np;uagc, and I· n many 0ther respecls is preferable to h1·m · If· b 1 'II b · <.· • • se , ut 1e WI c the bearer ol the express to o.Jall1t Lams. |