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Show ; 1.)0 1 . 1 2 3d A ugust, Saturday.-I expected to 1ave recc1veu f l l · ,rs rom t 1c c. . 1c 1 tl1l'I·r ac. nswers• to 111)' cl 'mands ; but re. cived an express 1rom both villages, juforming dn t. they wished to put them ofr until to-morrow. 1 then aL~J l~~tcd my instruments. Took cq.ual alti tt~d L·s and ~l m:,~·~~wnal altitude of the sun, but, owmg to ilymg clouds, nu:sscd the immersions of Jupiter's satellites. "' . . '2Atb A urrust, Swul 1y.- \Va:~ nearly half the clay m adjusting the tine of collimation in th~ telcsco1~ic ~ights of my theodolite. It began to cloud bdorc cvcnmg, and al. though the sky was n t entirely .cov ercL~ , I was so unfor. tunatc as to miss the time of an I mrncr~wn anll (although clear in the intermediate period) an cmcrsion also. I was informed by Baroncy that tl1e Little Village had m a~lc up eleven horses for us. In the ev<:ning, however, the mtcr· 1 reter, accompanied by the Son-iu -Ln: ~ no son of the .heveux Blanche, c.une to camp, and mformcd me th~t there were no horses tu be got in the Yillagc of the Big Osage.t il Sec Mct cnrol ogic:~l T ables, Llttc..r l'tlll of Appendix to part 11. t On the Z4 th Augubt the son, bOll - •Il l - Ja w, Jtl<1 1· t1tt• r pt· ~.:· t t· r of the Cheml• .Ulauche came to camp, when the !>On-.m -law spoke as f oI I ows :- vJ·,z , u J am com. e to give you the news of our vd. lage, wht. ch t. s unf ortunatc f or us, our chief havin.g assembled his young men anu warn. or ~ anJ propose<1 to t 11 e. m to f u rnish horses,&,. they have generally refused him; but I, who am t I1 e prm· CJ· pa 1 m aI 1 after the Ch;· vc..ux Blanche, will accompany you." f h The son.-" Our young men and warn.o rs w1'1 1 not tak c p1.t y on nly at c·ru, nor on me, nor on you, and have rcfmcd to comp Iy wt. t I1 your rcquc • t •. but I WI ;1ccompany you with two horses to carry provision for your voyage." h'· The interpreter.-" The Chevcux Blanche was ashamed to bring you t 1 ' d 0 <tnswcr, but will again assemble his village and to-morrow come :m gtve )'Oil the answer." 1 t 1 replied-" That 1 h;1d made the demand without explanatiO. n, m crcly to c 0 t 1J C Osage act agrccab ly to t h et.r. m e1 m0 at100 n, 0m ord er t h at we mt.g ht otC whatdli· . . . . h 0 I 0 pos1t10n they would exh1b1t towards us: but why do 1 ask of t c1r c m· f~ to follo. wh me to the Pawnees? bit for our good, or their own ? lo it not to make peace Wll. the Kans ? To put their wives and children out of rlangcr ! J\ s to thei0 r horse, 0 which they may furnish us with, I will pay them for t hc..ir hire ; but it is unccrtal~ TO T IIJ: ~ O LHC I ·.S 0 1: TJ IE A HJ: I\ ~SA\V, &c. I "". ,I 25th A ugwt, l'vlonday.-la the· morning we w re visited by the Ch·'vcnx Blanchr' and tin'" or four of h i~ chi< fs, who w<·n· pleas 'd to accord to my demands. 1 fe tcmnd much d;Hicu lt)' in iHfonninr· me tltat in all his vil. <) ' lagr, he could only r<lise four horses, but that we , hould be accmnpani{.:J by l1 is son and son-in .. law. I then eJ·prcsscd to him the diflcrcnc<· of our expectations from the reality. I Ic r ·maincd until <lftc'r twelve o'clock, when 1 W('nt to the Litt le 0 ~· •.1,~·, , villag , and was recciv d with gn·at friendship by the ch it>f. R 'maincd all night at the house of Tu tta~:uggy. ToDk the census. )1. . . 2Gt~ Augw~, Tttc.r:lay.- Rosc early and found my fncnds m council, wJnch was merely r elative to our horses. The chief then declared their determint1tion to me, and that he himself gave me one horse, and lent me eight more to carry our baggage to the Pawnees. Sold the old battcaux for 1 00 dollars, in merchandise, which I c~nccivcd infinitely prdcrab le to leaving her to the unccrtam afc.guard of the Indians. About this time we received the news that the party of Potowatomies were discov~ red to be near the towns. I ga vc them the best advice I was capable of giving, and then returned to our camp. 27th August, J,Vcdncsday.-Spent in arranging our b~ggage. for the horses. Received four horses fron1 the ~Itt!~ V11lagc and two from the Big Village. In the even~ mg hcutcnant YViJkinson rode to the Grand Village. I observed two immersions of Jupiter 's satellites. 0 ... 8tb A ugust , 'J~Z'J ttruw1 y.-·nr · · v \ n tmg to the secretary at whether 1 can a I 1 dia 0 IT: • ' P• Y t Jcm I ere, or gi vc them an order on the superintendant of In-n a tllrs at St. L oui . 0 l t Ll 0 1 d . With. ~ . w llll o uot JIOW Wlsh them to be made :!Clluaintul • Sec Stati~ticall' bl ~ !\ 1. . a C 1 ~ p p CI1llX to p art fr . j101g"C n, <lnd oppo-,ite pag-e ~ .~. |