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Show 23Z JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE Appaches ; one he commanded him. self, and the other was commanded by captain D' Almansa; m the former there was one Spaniard killed and eight wounded and ten Appachcs n1adc prisoners, in the latter 52 A ppachcs were wounded and 1 7 killed ; they being surprised in the night. Malga~cs killed two himsclf, and had two horses killed under him. I:Jt/.;, March, Friday.-Marched at seven o'clock, saw many deer. Ilaltcd at eleven o'clock and marched at four o'clock. This day one of our horses threw a youg woman and ran off, (as wa~ the h~bit. of all the Spanish horses, if by chance they throw their nder) w~en 111any of the dragoons and Ma1gares pursued l.1i~1. I .bemg n10unted on an eleg:1nt horse of Malgares, JOmed m t~c chase and notwithstanding their superior horsema.nslup overt ~ok the horse, caught his bridle and ::;copped him, when both of the hor~e~ were nearly at full speed. This act procured me the applause of the Spanish dragoons, and it is astonishing how Inuch it operated on their good will. 14tb March, Saturday.-Marched at ten o'clock a~d halted at a tnountain, distance ten mil s, this is the pomt from which the road leaves the river for two days journey bearing due south, the river taking a turn south west, by the river, five days to where the roads meet. We rna:ch· ed at four o'clock and eight miles below, crossed the nver to the west side, two mules fell in the water, and unfortU· nately they carried the stores of lieutenant Malga· res, by which means we lost all our bread, an elegant assortment ofbuiscuit, &c. Distance 18 miles. l St/;, Marcb, Sunday.-Marched at half past ten o'clock. Made 28 miles, the route rough and stony; course S. 20° W. d 16th Marcb, Monday.-Marchcd at 7 o'clock, an halted at twelve. Passed on the east side the ~orse moun· THROUGH THE INTERIOR PROVINCES, &c. ~33 tain, and the mountain of the Jead. Came on a trail of appearance of 200 horses, upposed to be th' trail of an expedition from the province of Biscay, against th, indians. 1 ~th Marc/;, Tucsday.-Marchcd at ten o'clock, and at four m the afternoon, crossed th river to the na 't · l , - s'a w s' evera 1 f'. I . . ~ ~ s SJ( . c ' l cs 1 md1an tracks, also th trail of a larg pa~·ty of h01:sc~, suppos~xJ to be Spanish troops in purStilt ofthe mchan~. Marched down the river 2() mile ·, fresh s1gn _of llldians, also of a party of hor5cs ; coun. try mountamous on both sides of the river. .18th Marc/;, ~VedJlc.rday.-Marchcd down the river 26 ffil~cs ; fres~ sign of indians, also a party of horses ; countly mountamous on both sides of the river. . 19tb March, Thursday.-Stn.tck out cast about three miles and fell in w · tl th , . · J . 1 1 e In .. un roa , (or a large flat prairie) lvluch we left at the mountain of the friar Christopher. 1 k 20 th March, Friday.-lialtcd at ten o'clock, at a salt a e. .Marched Ulllil two o'clock, halted for the day . vegetatwn began t b d. 1 ' d o e Iscovcrab c on the 17th anJ thi . ay the Weeds and grass were quite high. . 21st March, Saturday. 1\1arched in the morning· and arnved at the . 1 1 N .m g through a 1p ·a11s so c cI ort a.t 11 o'clock' the road lead-h 11 at t c house of D Y aIn't Jno· untaGm ous. country. \.Vc put up ad. I on l rancisco arcJa who \Vas a n1~..~rcbant n ap antcr· hcposs ' . ... d. l . . . . slu eep and 10 ' 00 ,( .S SC , lU L ll' \' lCll.l l( y o.f the town 20' 000 ol COWs' \VC were l'CCt:IVed ll1 a most hospit·l-e manner, by ])on p , J • J> l , . . · ' 1m ovvernor a I f: I ~(lt 0 ~ot cnque Rc)' ' th IIcLttcnant '!'L· ' nc at ler Joseph Prado, the vicar of tl lf' place' uts was b [; 1 - • fora "y a~ l1a rno~t ilourishing plac we had been iu . more panzcular 1 , i. · . . · . . ' &c.• c. ccount o Jt"i s1t u;ltwn, populauo 11 , 22d A!farcb ) J 1) . CJ3d J\IT ·' '-lllh to'j.- '-Cm. auwcl '·1 t· tl1c p llJSO. P .. J.arcb, lt1ont!a'J - ]\-1-t., ,. .c J as~oat h· . ' . .ss 1>--Jloruw ' leave thC' t tceoclock t f.]']' . . • ' o Ol t l , lSiaira, accompanied hy tlJt-~ St(' \ l'll<'n I I:( I III r · 0 p.trt . NQ. r 1 p 'l[C ~. r: ,p,· |