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Show 80 APPENDIX TO PART lii. therein expt·csscd; the judgment on which remaius lor the dcci ~ sian of the king, my lord, and ~hall ue reported in the secret \.lr• chive~ of thi~ captnin generalcy; und meditating that you have indicated in yout· sum mons oflicial to this government, th c ~;reatl;:;t desire to arl'ive at the territorie ~ of the United States, have t·esnlv ed that you p;·,eput·c to continue yout· voyage in two OJ' three cluys; in consequence of which, the an·angemcnts necessary shall be made, such as you, with the people ol' yout· expedition have expcricuced lmtil your arri\'al at this place. God prcsene you many yeat·s, (Signed) NHn:sw SALCEDO. Chilmalma, 23d .!lju·i!, 1807. l~t Lieutenant of Ini~tntry, Montgomct·y Pike. Translated from the original, by z . . M. Pike, captain. -·- [ No. 1 G. J THAN S LATIO~ . I~VE~TOHY of papen; \\ hich the lieutem\llt of infan try ol' the United States of Ame rica, l\Iontgonte ry I ike, in the supctiot· !~OVeiTiment, and COJntnandant !; enc ra! Of the internal provinces of New Spain, as bc.:lon ~ing to a voyage which he executed from St. Louis up the Illinoi!-i to the population of New !\Icxico, to vi:;it the Indian nations, and reconnoitre the country and intermediate l'ivcrs, ns it appears his expedition wns undertaken by provision or the ~;o· vemmcnt of the said United States and the orders or general \Vilkinson. No. l. L ettet· ft·om general \Vilkinson to Pike, dated 24th June, 1806. 2. Another from the same to Pike, 18th July, 1806. 3. Another ft·om the sarne to the same oflicc.:r, 19th July, 1806. 4. Anothet· from the same to Pike, dat~d 6th Augus t, 180 6. 1. Lettct· ft·om lieutenant 'Vilkitlson to his father, 27th October, 180G. 6. Another from the same to the same, 28th >ctobcr, 1806. 7. Lcttet· from Pike to general \Vilkinson, 22tl July, 1806. 8. Letter from lieutenant Wilkinson to lieutctH\ut Pike, ~6th October, 1806. APPENDlX T<' PART III. 81 9, Proclamation of general Wilkinson, prohibiting any cJttzon of the United States trading with the Indian uations wiwout his permission, or that of the government, dated 1Oth July, 1805. 10. A letter from Chades Junot, agent for the Indi•ms, to gene~ raJ Wilkinson, dated lOth July, 1806. 11. Notes of lieutenant Pike on the voyage ft·om New Mexico, to Chihuahua, of four pages. 1 ~. A rough manuscript of the Missouri and Osage rivers. 13. Letter from set·gcant Ballenger to genct·al Wilkinson, without date. 14. Letter from lieutenant \tVilkinson to Pike, without date. IS. A certificate in the French language of a certain llaptist Lamie, found among those nations, and specifying his mo~ tive fo1· being there. 16. A bundle of papers in the French language, which contained notes on the harangues and manifestoes which lieutenant Pike had delivered to the Indian nations. 17. A passport of lieutenant Pike to the Indian 'VinApicane, a captain of the little Osage. 18. A small draught or map of the country which is situated between th6 Mississippi and Santa Fe, with a description of that town, and of having met with three thousand Camanches. 19: A book 8vo, manuscript, which contains the diary of lieutenant Pike, from January, 1807, to the 2c..l March of the same year, when he at·rived at Santa Fe, in 75 pag-es. 20, A book 4to. manuscript, in paste-board, with copies of letters to the secretary of war and general Wilkinson, and vanous observations relative to the commission of the lieutenant, in 67 pages. 21. A manuscript book in folio, containing different plans of countt·ics, &c. with a diat·y with Rhulllbs distances, and worked observations and meteorologicul tables, which arose from a revisal of the voyage, by the said lieutenant Pike, in 40 pages. Don Franciso Valasco, first officer of the scct·etal'ies of the <:ommandant generalship of the internal provinces of N cw Spain, and Juan Pedro Walker Alfercz, of the company of horse of the royal presidio of J auos. We certify that the lieutenant of American infantry, Montgomery Pike, when presented to the commandant general of the be- 26 |