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Show and State agencies and conservation organizations. Of the 30, only 11 responded with comments and these were considered in preparation of the draft statement. A total of six acknowledged receipt of the environmental review and 13 did not reply. A listing of these agencies and organizations is shown on the following page. Coordination During Review of the Draft Environmental Statement The draft environmental statement was filed with CEQ on August 14, 1972, and a notification of its availability published in the Federal Register on August 18. Approximately 200 copies of the draft statement were initially distributed to 68 different Federal State, and County agencies, water user organizations, conservation groups, education institutions, and newspapers. During the review period, an additional 100 copies were given to other requesting organizations and individuals. A partial distribution list indicating agencies and organizations which received the draft statement and which commented on it appears at the beginning of this statement, immediately following the summary sheet. An official news release of the draft statement's availability was issued concurrent with the Federal Register notice. Additional local publicity developed later as the public hearing announcement was made, so that no further official press releases were deemed necessary. At an August 24, 1972, meeting with the Utah League of Women Voters, representatives from the Bureau of Reclamation, Forest Service, and the Sierra Club were invited to discuss various aspects of the Bonneville Unit. On September 9, 1972, the Central Utah Project Manager was invited to appear on a Salt Lake television interview program with a respresentative from the Sierra Club. These two instances were factors in generating much of the interest in the September 22 and 23 public hearing. The conduct and results of the public hearing are summarized in paragraph 13 of this statement . Following distribution o€ the draft environmental statement and receipt of detailed comments, separate meetings were held with representatives of the Forest Service ( November 2, 1972) ; State of Utah's Division of Wildlife Resources and Division of Parks and Recreation ( November 9, 1972); and the Utah State Department of Highways ( December 1972) to discuss the approach to be taken in the Final Environmental Statement. Informal discussion with personnel of these and other agencies and entities has continued during the interim between the draft and final statement. 88' 98> 113 » l2°> l22> 133 Liaison has been established with the State Division of Health in order to insure adequate time for review of designs and specifications by that agency as they 630 |