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Show 3 5o Ru/rr for reducing a great ‘[A: D.T.] their fouls to all eternity, by compelling them, il‘it pleafcs, to worthip the devil. . XI. To make your taxes more odious, and more likely to procure‘reliftance'; {end from the capital a board of qflzl‘rr: to fuperintend the colleé‘tion, compo/rd *9)" 1176 my} zizzzyt'rcct, ill-bred, and infolent you can find. Let thefe have large falaries out of the extorted revenue, and llve in open grating luxury upon the tweat and blood of the indullrious; whom they are to worry con- tinuallv with groundlefs and expenfive profecutions before the above-mentioned arbitrary revenue-judges ;- all at the coft of the party prolecuted, though acquitted, becaufe the King is to pay no cof'ts.---Let thefe men by your order be exempted from all the common taxes and. burthens of the province, though they and their proper- ty are protected by its laws.-If any revenue officers are fufpeCted of the leaft tendernefs for the people, difcard them. If others are Jufl'ly complained of, protect and reward them. If any of the under oflicers behave to as to provoke the people to drub them, promote thofc to better oflices: this will encourage others to procure for themfelves fuch profitable drubbings, by multiplying and enlarging fuch provocations, and all will work towards the end you aim at. . XII. Another way to make yolqrtax odiouis, is to min I tbe roduce qf it. it was 0 ginally {pigzpriated' for the defence of the prOvinees, and the better {upport of government; an Elli/Jim to zz/imz/l 0/28. 351 and‘the adminif‘tration ofjuflice wher e it may be neceflary ; then apply none of it to that defence; but betlow it where it is not nece flhry, in mg menting falaries or pentions to ever y governor who has dittinguifhed liimlblf by his enmity to the peop le, and by calumniating them to their love reign. This will make them pay it more unwillingly, and be more apt to quarrel with thofe that colleét it and thofe that impofed it; who will quarrel again with them; and all {hall contribute to your own purpofe, of making them weary of your government. XIII. If the people of any province have been accuftomed to jitfpart their own gram mar: and judge: to fatisfaétion, you are to apprehen d that fuch governors and judges may be ther eby influenced to treat the people kindly, and to do them juf'tice. This is another reafon for appl ying part of that revenue in larger falaries to fuch governors andjudges, given, as their commiflions are, dur- ingyour‘pleafure only,- forbidding them to take any falaries from their provinces,- And thus the people may no longer hope any kindnefs from their Governors, or (in crown cafes) anyjuf'tice from their Judges-And as the money thus mifa pplied in one province is extorted from all, prob ably all will refent the mifapplication. XIV. If the parliaments of your province s fhould dare to claim rights, or complain of your adminiftration ,- order them to be bar-a ired with peated dflo/utz'om.-If the fame men are contreinually returned by new elections; adjourn their meetings |