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Show 400 To Mic Freeman of Perg/j'i'mflz'tz, [P. P.] lenging; and before he can be convifled, the jury are to be unanimous,- they are all to agree that he is guilty, and are therciore all accountable for their verdict.--But by this amendment, the jury (if they may be to called) are all ollieers of the Governor's {ole appointing; and not one of them can be challenged; And though a common militia man is to be tried, no common militia man 1'hall be of that lury; And to farfrom requiring all to agree, a bare majority thall be fuflieient to con- demn you. And lclt that majority thould be un- der any check or reflraint, from an apprehenfion of what the world might think or fay of the feverity or injufiicc of their l‘cntenee; an Oath is to be taken, never to difcover the vote or opinion of any particular member l Thefe are fome of the chains attempted to be forged for you by the Proprietary faction l-‘vVho advifcd the G--r is not difficult to know. 072 a particular Elli/1M: Bill 4.0! all his rcqui :tions made to the colonies, of raiiin troops for their defence, tiirefled that " the bet" ter to facilitate theimportant fer-vi ce, the coint mii‘iipns ihc-uld be given to firth as from their ‘K " Evii'tgnt and credit with the people, may be e enablttl to effectuate the levre s 4'". -In cf'cablilhing a militia for the defence or" the vincc, how Could the " weight and credit}? if men v-‘ith the people be better dil‘covercd than by the node that bill direfltd; viz. by a mhjoritv or thofe that were to be commanded, nomina tiniv three for each otlice to the Governor, of which three he might take the one he liked bell P-- However, the courts-martial beingr eftablifhed and all of us thus 'put into his Honour's abfolut c: power, the Governor goes on to enhance the fines V I. .- and penalties : Thus in page 49 of the bill, where the Afiembly had propoled the fine to be Ten They fliillings, the Governor required it to be Ten are the very men, who now clamour at the Atfembly for a propofil of bringing the trial of a particular murder to this county, from another, Where it wits not thought life for any man to be either juryman or witnefz; and call it distrauchifing the people I who are now bawling about the conflitution, and pretending valt concern for your liberties l-In refuting you the lealt means of recommending or expieliing your regard mt perfons to be placed over you as otheers, and who were thus to be made your judges in like and ef'tate; they have not regarded the example or the pounds :---In page 50, where a fine of Five pound s King. OUF wife as well as kind mafter 5 who 3511 was mentioned, the Governor's amendment required it to be made Fifty pounds. And in pave 44, where the Aflenibly had faid, " {hall forrctit " and pay any fum, not exceeding Five pound s," the Governor's amendment fays, " {hall {Lifer " DEATH ; or fuch other puniihment, as thall, " according to the nature of the oficnce, be in- " fliéted by the fentence of a court-martial ! "- The AITembly's refufing to admit of thefe amendments in that bill, is one of their offences S 39? Secretary of State's Letters in the printed Votes. F ff againfl: |