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Show 543 APPENDIX. [Az D.T.] [A: ‘D.T.] Ta éez'rflrtedafler p. 232, orp. 302. Dear S I R 9", London, Nov. 28, 1768. . I Received your obliging favour of the 12th inflant. Your fentiments of the importance of the prefent dilpute between Great Britain and the Colonies, appear to me extremely jult. There is nothing I with for more than to fee it amicably and equitably fettlcd.--But Providence will bring about its own ends by its own means; and if it intends the downfal of a nation, that nation will be in blinded by its pride, and other pafiions, as Attempts for conciliation. 549 ing too much an American, and in Ame rica of being too much an Englifliman. Your opinion however weighs with me, and encourages-m e to try one effort more, in a full, though concife fiate of facts, accompanied with arguments drawn from thofe facts ; to be publiihed about the meeting of parliament, after the holidays. If any good may be done I {hall rejoice; but at prefent I almof't defpair. Have you ever feen the barometer f0 low as of late? The‘zzd infiant mine was at 28, 4.1, and yet the- weather fine and fair. With fincere efleem, I am, Dear Friend, not to fee its danger, or how its fall may be pre‘ vented. Being born and bred in one of the countries, and having lived long and made many agreeable connexions of friendihip in the other, I wifh all profperity to both : but I have talked, and writ- ten 1o much and {0 long on the fubjeét, that my acquaintance are weary of hearing, and the public of reading any more of it; which begins to make me weary of talking and writing: eipecially as I do not find that I have gained any point, in either country; except that of rendering myfelf fuf- peéted, by my impartiality,- in England, of be- * [I cannot pretend to fay what is the publication promifed in this letter; unlefs probably it alludes to the one given above at p. 232 ; in which cafe there is a miflake in the date ofthejmr. When this work is tranflated or reprinted, this letter mutt either precedo the piece in queflion, or follow the Examination before the HOUR? of Commons, at p. 301. R] we Yours afi'eélionately, B. FRANKLIN, llIlIIIIHII‘IWI‘. |