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Show 553 INDEX. INDEX. 559 the Indians, 290. Mr. Strahan's q neries relating to the difcoments B. there, 302. Bowler, Mr. remarks on his inquiry into the nature of the human . . , lbul, 479. .L'i/lr of Alarm/1'1}, reafonings formed on thofe for populous Cities, ' not applicable to the country, i. . Bi/bopr, the introduétion of. in America, by whom, and why difliked, 78. Body, political and human, compared, 17.2. Blyforz, preface to the votes and proceedings of the town meeting of, z . Bullion,3 tlie caufes of its variations in price, 21". Canada, its importance to this country compared with that of Gua. daloupe, 14.8. The confequences of leaving it in the pollellion of France, liated, 154. Has always checked the growth of our 177. ' l he duty on-tea how confidere d there, 306. 'General review oftl redifputes With, 323. Circum- flgncesqofltheir firlt ellabhrhmcnt fluted, 358. 'lnteuded offer of, >3 3 . e ground at Cl'LtlllZ of, compared With that of Great Britain, 3763 Governor Pownal's [late of the conflitution of the colonies ; with remar ks by Dr. Franklin, 537. Corollaries from the foregomg principles, 541. The courts ellablifhed there as ample in theirjurifdiétion and powers, as thole in England -' 2 Felony fubyefls cannot be removed from their own Jurifdiflions, 543. They are in {uch cafes intitlcourts to f'orgiirri cd to the wit C pf Habeas corpus, 544.. oom‘er Advan, tages weflerof, n, €36. Ian for fettlin ‘ ' g two ii 11 North Ameri a ca, ' 133. Colony governments, ellablifliment of, and diflinf tion amonrr 358. 387, note. 0' C. colonies, 165. Replies to, 305. The rivers and lakes in, favourable to trade, Is eafily to be peopled, without draining Great Britain of inhabitants, 200. Carriage, inland, no obfirué‘tion to trade, 174. Inflances, 175. Clvma, precaution ufed there againll famine, 42. Clearly, Dr. ot'Bollon, his account of the French method of infligating the North American Indians againlt the Englilh, 150, note. Comment, its influence on the manners of a people, 20. Fair and upon equal terms, Rated, 45. Is belt encouraged by bcinrr left nm%smmmwmmmm uhhe profits of, mutual, 55. By inland carriage,mm how {upported, V4. Cnozduflorr, pointed, experiments of their utility in {ecurinrr buildlogs from lightning, 487. Objections confidcred, 495:, Occa- fion of the difpute on the preference between blunted and pointed conductors, Sec. 4.99, note. Congrefr, American, intended vindication and other of, to parlia- ment, 3 57. - Claw/r, the heights of, luggelled, with conjectures, 522. Corn, ill policy of laying roll-mints on the exportation of, 50, 58. Clue at Philadelphia, rules for, 533. A country never drained of corn by exportation, 51. Countries, diltant and unprovided, aplan for benefiting, 37. Scheme Colonies, American, their former accultomcd mode of granting aids to government, 231. Prevailing popular opinions ought to be regarded in hrereignty, 232. That money could not be levied on the colonii'ts but by their own confent, an univerfal opinion, 233. The {ramp-aft an unwil'c meafure, 234. Its repeal highly acceptable, 7.35. New duties impofed on them, for the payment of crown officers there, :36. Sentiments of the colonilts on the act for abolilhing the legillature of New York, 239. The im- of a voyage to that intent, 40. Credit, that of Great Britain, and America, compared, 376. Depends on payment of loans, 377. Induflrry, z'lz‘cl. Frugality, 378. Public fpirit, 379. Income and {ecurity, 380. Profpeéts of future ability, 38x. Prudence, MM- Chamfler for honefiy; 383. D. portation ofBritifh felons among them, highly dilagrcczible, :42. Thoughts on a union of, with Great Britain, 24.6. Governor Pownal's thoughts on an equal communication of Britifli rights to America, 252. Reply to, 254. Dr. Franklin's examination l)e"irre the houf‘e' of commons on American taxation, 7.5;. EXtcrnul and internal taxation dillinguiflicd, 270. The nets of the atl'emblies and proceedings of the mobs, not to be coniounded, 285. Dalrymplz, Mr. fcheme of a voyage to benefit remote regions, pro» poled to be undertaken under his command, 40. Demo}, Governor, remarks on his official conduit in Penfylvartia, 426. Dillon/on, Mr. his remarks on the late views of adminiflration in framing laws over the colonies, 241. Remarks on his conduct, The lal'c war no: undertaken merely for their defence, 288. 451. On his proteit, 4.63. Troops from Britain not ncc‘ellary to defend the inhabitants againll the E, E3331") |