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Show 470 ‘A REFORMED Mom: or SPELLING. Charaéters. [TABLE for " remden'df' for " did" write " did," but i6 9* " deed, is that we now give to e in the words " keep,"---*. § The true Sound of the i begins 7/ and ends ii. Q N. N § d: Any founded in " into," and 2' in its true Soun two thofe ds {oun who one will be feniible of this, d Soun the r; Vowels 1/ [quick after each othe WNQ‘ 1/ as confifling of two of outVowels joined; [viz.] Q " deed" write " diid," 3f, «See. the What in our common Alphabet is fuppofed g; 121m Dip/ a as is it, third Vowel, i, as We found of Soundea' [refpeétivel y] as In ' the REFOR th W ' . the Column beloEv.)e ' Olds 111 Old. John, Folly; Awl, Ball. Man, can. M‘en, lend, Name, Lane. Dld, Sm, Deed, feen. Tool, Fool, Rule. um, un; as in umbrage, unto, 86¢. and as in er. hunter, happy, high. vowel appears to be put in the Table for did 1 [Though a fingle E] the latter is made to and deed equally, yet in the Remarks [ABOV of the vowel is meant require two 1' 5. Perhaps the fame doubling pronounced as new, in for name and lane; for certainly name is not found in men. ., Some the expreflion new. (on. correfponding to the of {ounds are to dilliné‘t critics may probably think that thefe two {ets them : fince in mzm, proas to require different charaé‘ters to exprefs correfponding in found nounced aEeétedly for ma'am (madam) and and perpendicularQo each to men, the lips are kept clofe to the teeth, in found to name, the lips are other; but in maim, correfponding might which this is printed, ends-in the fame abrupt 3‘ [The cepy from blank {pace ; {0 that way With the above, followed by a confiderable . 13.], ‘ more perhaps was intended to‘be added- by our author a , 1 TABLE %9i~ A remark that placed poutingly and flat towards each other: compared-As this is be applied with little variation to did and deed becomes me, only to add, a fubjeél I have never much examined, it s of-the operations of that fpelling may be confidered as " an analyfi letter has to reprefent a "‘ the organs of fpeech, where each feparate organs of fpeech, " diEerent movement ;" and. that among theft: s even the lungs perhap and tis; epiglot the ate enumer we are to but as modifying found, for air hing furnil as merely not themfelves, it. E] ing expell and g inhalin in both air that of the found $‘e°~6\ WWZ‘Q\N&N‘1 Eggsanoq _ give, gather. keep, kick. (lb) Ship, with. (ng),ing, repeating, among. end. i Art. Teeth. Deed. ell, tell. Efleilce. (ez) Wages. (th) think. (dh) thy. Effect. ever. Bees. peep. ember. g [M a. The fix new letters are marked with an afierhkg to dlfllnf ...‘_ "will"! Illlll‘l‘lhlll‘" IM- |