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Show [A:D.T.] [ 231 ] 042%: qf [/25 A M E R I c A N Dflwzmzt: before I 7 6 80The VVaves never rife but when the winds blow. Prov. smut, S the cuufe of the prefent ill humour in AmeI'lC t, and of the refolutions taken there to purchule .lefs of our manufafiures, does not feem to be generally undcrltood; it may afford fome fatislattion to your readers, if you give them the following fliort hittoricnl flute otihets. From the time that the colonies were firft C011fidercd as capable of granting (222/: 2‘0 [[28 croqwz , down to the end of the left war, it is fillt‘l, that the eonf'tiint mode of Obtaining thole aid was, by requilition made from the crown, throu gh its governors to the feveral ali‘mnhlies, in Circul ar letters from the fecretary of Rate, in his h/"Isrjefly's name; {ctting forth the occnlion, requiring them to take the matter into conlialemtion, and ex- prefling :1 reliance on their prudence, duty, and aflhétion to his Mgrieiflty's government, that they would grant fueh Innis, or raife fueh numbers of men, as were iiuitable to their refpeetive circu m- fiances. The colonies being :teeuflomed to this method, have from time to time granted money to the * [This lettn' f' it appeared in alum?» paper, :7amzmy 7, 1768, and was illtl"' reprinted as a pollitript to 777: true fizz/ima m: qumcrica, ill-illikdibl' 447/4421, 1768. E._] crown, |