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Show 556 APPENDIX- as we have hitherto been engagcd‘in for inerciihig firennth and empire with pzzblzt‘jt‘é't‘zfz, Illailou (i .c deflrgyed by the manghng hands or 11 tewd 11.181; ing minillers. It W111 not be delhoyle 1 (i INTD will proteét and profper it: .You Will on )iltxe L1": yourlblves from any {bare in. 1t.-We ealLt in ' more {hips and troops are coming out, PM: no": you may do us a great (leal of mtfchie , ut we are determined to bear it patiently. as long as we can ; but if you flatter yourfelves With beating us into fubmiflion, you know neither the people nor m‘r . ~ ' thgl‘cliz coiigrefs is (fill fitting, and Will. Walt the refult of their Iqfl petition. ' A. farm/mm, takes'placc ofmannfaflures until a coun cultivated, 3, 10;. try is fully flfr. humid, the circulatio n of, how produced, 511. See Um'm. zj/f/mécl, fi‘lieni.» for reformin g 11:37. 1/12me plzln ol‘nnion. Tiahle <71", .LTO. wrtlen 3" in the propoled chzi e1 , 4.71. Lorrelpun dcnec Lady in confidering the mer it 'ol‘it, 472. Amn fm, the populrttir n of, HULEO be jutl Prin 1 g; ‘d of", according- to the ciples applicable toljum pe, 1. Mat ages, Mhyinn re frequent there than 111 Europe, 3. Why labour will long cont inue (1211' there, Mid. Argument ngai nlt an union ofthc Biitifnc under one government, 21. olc ~ Suited toleration then, 76., fleétions on the {cheme ti Reimpxling taxes in the colo nies witht'ut their confent, 120. Tho ughts on American repr rlenmtion in the Britilh parliament, 129. Fort s in the { i‘cttlements, no it». curity again/1 France Src. whi le in pollellicn or Cannd The wars carried on there agni nft the French not caufc of the colonies, 162. Preference of North Americ a over the Well Indian colonies l‘tut ed, 171. Their great navigabl e rivcrs favourable to imand trad e, 176. What commoditi es the inland' parts of, a.e fitt d to pro duce, 177. The prunluél ions of, do not interfere with thofi: of Brit ain, 182. Comparative elli matc;of Englilh exports to, :-nd to the Well Indi a iflauds, 1S6. Obflruétions to an union of the dirk rent colonies, in a revolt againr't Britain, 191. Reafons given for rellmining the emilfio n of paper- bills ol creiit tncr c, :36. Remarks on thcle rcnfons, 207. intenletl rehente of :1 15ml; thcr c defcribed, 218. The Armiw, t1 : means of l'uppurting the m pointed out, 20. Almq/pben‘, remarks on the heisht and dcnfity of, 515. On the circulation or, 511. Aurora Harm/1:, conjeétures toward for min an hypothefis for the explanation of, 504. And elcé‘tri fluid g c , identity of, 510. By what Rages the fluid riles, 514.. Its mot ion in vncuo, 516. The feafons the aurora moi‘t ulhally uppearin, 517 . Amend parallel rays of, 518. Queries relating to, 519. Fart her_h1nts relating :0, by Dr. Franklin, 52:. AnOthe cauf r e of, congeétured, 527» M. Maimn's remarks upon; 529' 3. BMW, |