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Show r08 EA: B.T.] ALBANY PAPERS. guarded, as we know not where or when to ex, pefi them +. New Sail/wim-‘/.r. Of 1/55 P/mz of Union. 109 rents referved may ,in time becomea fund for fupport of government, for defence of the Country, enfe of taxes, fiec. Strong forts on the lakes, the Ohio, 66c. may That they make new fettlcmcnts on {nth purchafcs by granting lands in the at the lame time they fecure our prefent fron- King's name, referring a quit-rent to mutually defend and fupport fuch forts, and bet- the crown for the life of the general treafnry. ter fecure the friendfhip of the far Indians. It is {iippoi'ed better that there lhould be one Apurchafer than many; A particular colony has fcarce firength enough to extend itfelf by new fettlements, at {0 great a dif'tance from the old: but the joint force of crown the union might fuddenly eftablifh anew colo- or the union in the ny or two in thofe parts, or extend an old co- lony to particular palles, greatly to the {Ecurity and that the {hould be that purchafer, tiers, ferve to defend new colonies fettled under their protection ; and fuch colonies would alfo name of the crown. By this means the bargains may be more eafily made, the price not of our prefent frontiers, increafe of trade and inhanced by numerous bidders, future difputes about private Indian purchafes, and monopolies people, breaking of? the French communication between Canada and Loug'flamz, and fpeedy fet- of val't tracts to particular perfons (which are tlement of the intermediate lands. prejudicial to the fettlement and peopling of a The power of fettling new colonies is there- country) prevented; and the land being again granted in fmall tracts to the fettlers, the quit- fore thought a valuable part of the plan; and what cannot fo well be executed by two unions as by one. 1- [To guard againfi the incurfions of the Indium, a plan was fent over to America (and, as I think, by authority.) fuggelting the expediency of clearing away the woods and bulhcs from a traét ofland, a mile in breadth, and extending along the back of the colonies. Unfortunately, befides the large expence of this under" taking (which, if one acre coil 21. flerlz‘ng, and 64.0 acres make a fquare mile, is r28,oool.fi';/? rpfl for every 100 miles;) it was forgotten that the Indians. like other people, knew the difference between day and night, and that amile of advance and another of retreat, were nothing to the celerity of fuch an enemy-This plan, it is (aid, was the work ofDean T-cé-r; and poffibly might contain many other particulars. The plans of Doétor Franklin and Governor Po-wnall appear much more feafible. E.] rents Law: to govern Mam. That they make laws for regulating and governing fuch new fettlements, till the crown {hall think fit to form them into particular governments. The |