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Show {0. P} 6y fia'gfi‘r. Franklin andDalrymple. P/mz fir Civilization, 81c. 38 In a u - ‘ 4 . . propolition being warmly adopted by the iefl of the company, Mr.Dalrymple, tnen preterit, was on induced to offer to undertake the command fuch an expedition. _ 1 On mature refleéiion this [ch-Cine appear < the more honourable to the national charaeier of any which can be conceived, as it is grounded Othtlic noblef't principle of benevolence. Good intentions are often frul‘trated by letting them remain indi- gef'ted; on this conlideration Mr. Dalrymple was induced to put the outlines on paper, which are now publifhed, that by an early. communication there may be a better opportunity of collecting all the hints which can conduce to execute cfl‘ec- tually the benevolent purpofe of the expedition, in cafe it {hould meet with general approbation. On this feheme being {hewn to Dr. Franklin, he communicated his {entiments by way of in- troduction, to the following effect. " Britain is faid to have produced originally " nothing butflaw. What vatt advantages have. " been communicated to her by the fruits, feeds, " roots, herbage, animals, and arts of other coun- tries l We are by their means become a wealthy and a mighty nation, abounding in all good things. Does not fome duly hence arite from us towards other countries fail} remaining in our former Rate P " Britain is now the lirl't maritime power in the world. Her {hips are innumerable, capable by their form, lize, and ftrength, of failing all feas. Our feamen are equally bold, fkilful " and 5‘ (I 39 and hardy ; dexterous in exploring the remoteft regions, and ready to engage in voyages to unknown countries, though attended with the great/fl: dangers. The inhabitants of thote countries, our jello-w file/Z, have canoes only, not ltuowing iron, they cannot build (hips; they have little aitronomy, and no knowlege of the compats to guide them: they cannot therefore come to us, or obtain any of our advantages. From there cireumftances, does not tome duty item to ariie from us to them ? Does not Providence by thefe dittinguifhing favours teem to call on us to do {omethinw ourlelves for the common interefi: of humat: nity P " Thofe who think it their duty to aflg bread and other blefiings daily from heaven, would they not think it equally a duty to communi- cate of thofe blefiings when they have received them; and {how their gratitude to their great Benefaétor by the only means in their power, promoting the happinefs of his other children I" - " Curvy is find to have made a journey through many countries to teach the U12: of corn, and the art of railing it. For this tingle benefit the grateful nations deified her. How much more may Englilhmen deferve fuch honour, by, communicating the knowledge and me not of corn only, but of all the other enjoyments earth can produce, and which they are now in potTeHion of. Cwmmmz'z‘er dam; profit/ultra Dam; g/z'. " Many |