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Show 34° "1659"" 0f Governor '[A: D.T.] G. Hutchinfon'r Lettcrr, £635. 341 Mr. T.---Thev were not of the nature of pr]; "date letters between friends *' They were Wliit‘ ten by public officers ' ~ to perfons . in public fla- 9"" (35 weld «'13 they could be collated.) to mark the Politics of the times, and the nature or the cultures paired in England upon Dr. Franklin's diameter. tions, on public aflralrs, and llltCIRlECl t0 PFOcure public Ineafures; they were tllCl‘Ci'Ol‘e l‘l'tllld- . . r The letters could not have come to Dr. Franklin,' (aid Mr, "Edderburn, ‘ léy lair néeanskd'l‘he \yrlrcgs did not give them to . "- ed to other public perfons W110 Injght be mfluenced . Their by them tendency to PI‘OdllCC thole IDESIUI‘CS. ‘ Cllfe the mother- was r~tidr'e ec.‘ re n t h ‘ l- tilzla'cynxoiild mutilate 11:3; mi? mgoofeiri; dietitiignlhgiiréiii ‘ acquit Dr. Franklin of the charge ofobtuining them by fraudulent ‘ or corrupt means, for th' moi m =l'gnnnt of purpofes; unlcl‘s he tO‘ lUC ‘ {[019 them, :7 ;m the pericn \yhu :toie them. Thi. armlmt‘nt country againl'c her colonies, and, by the Preps recommended, to widen the breach; which they is . jmmmrrg g a " . my nuts, your1 mm}; rand ;.,-m~.;1tg.e may, {mm effected-The (31]le caution CXPI‘Cllcd VVltl) 1'6. . hon-"u; (\tt ntuut y c unripe, :LUJ llunlixi‘idr lria‘ztte cor- 'tt‘p 1dr are his l 'thtn'tt- icen hi 1' ered, in times of the grew it, gard ‘0 Pl'1V3CY: was, to keep the" contents a ' from the colony agents ; who the VVI'itCl'S ap- ' prehended might return them to AIDCI‘iCfl. feems, them, ‘ or copies That apprehenfion was, . well founded' for the filfi , W 0‘1}; n} Prwhtio‘ ,‘Dur r-ctr,i.;n.'~7‘ He has fiéumcd refpcct of {ouctlh and L t men. .tcr tgo with an un‘mbnlr L of . It agent Who bums trium *1.nvmz}i1/ l ‘ But_hc_:m_c my... Wk "my the 1mm from one brother; but kept uzmlur cozlcczut-u Illl he, nearly 0cm; toned the murder of the laid his hands on them, thought it his duty to tranfmit them to his conf'titucnts +. other. it is impofiim: to rend his nictunt, expreiiive of the. conltll and mail tltiibernt; CHM/£71 Strait, D". 25' 1773- B. FRANKLIN, ‘i " [Perhaps it is proper to call there letters onlyfirrrr letters. The fails and advice they contained had the molt direé‘t relation to the public; and the only part of the letters that could firié'rly he find to bepriware, was the family hifiory that was naturally here nndthere interfperfed on the fame flteet of paper, from family connet‘tion in the writers. E. f [It was in donfequence of this letter thntMr.Wedderburnc ven- tured to make the molt odious pcrfonnl applications. ' ' .' [Herc /2; ._/{,/!.]--»~ ‘ murdered. 3.0-" hurt in U ‘ her: is a ‘ man, who it. h the nLrnoit irrleriiil>iiity ot‘reinot l can compare it o ‘ avows llllllitlllilt .quior of all. ‘ in Dr. Young 5 Knew/g: T. to [9.1th " linow then 'twl'u . " l forged the It tr, 1 dil'pofetl the piaure; " I hated, l tirl}: , and l dcliroy." I I v' l V >i. . sqs l‘. ‘ , . ~.,'l (lik, myv Lotus, "ntthtr me Justin t'1ltl lCleCl aux." poetic fittion only, to tilt: bl Wily All iem is not fury: ed by the coolnelé and n'nith ' 01 mt, vtlv Amciic ' . . t l . v , 'l hele pleaulngs for 21 tune _ ‘ worked great I circuit _ The lords 4 af- femed, the town Wd‘a CUIH'U‘CL‘G: DI" "Hum W35 drfgmced l: and Mr. Mnudu" has prudently omitted part of them, in his account of the proceed- ings before the privy council. without ‘ :‘md {[73 JL‘fl‘t'I‘r (2/? wt; Dr F hiring a// fl ‘ ,‘ln'lltlll there -..tg1c:il cventsa i one perllin of another ztulw 1 , of ti \zorrl ‘ his dczlrclt int ‘ ‘ Agent for the Houfia of Reprefenmtiwr of the Jl/Izzflrbufin's Bay. into what C‘JZlII‘JllIL‘S will 1 {firms , or the ll'uvl‘ V tt in‘e.1 pit . cf Hl‘tnL‘ Men \rill ..:-,rth u 12‘ \..th a jealous etc; they Itxiill hifilCIIhCiy Ninth. from him, and Ilocl; up th"‘ clbrutoires. e wi ‘zcncuort l (Liven: it it iibcl to )e culled a 2mm of hiring They are given here altogether its; v5 i. C. 1-1in (u ,-/,:,f). ‘l At'l V01, 1; He was dinnifl'eu‘ {mm his place in tilt pollvoflice. X x 3 Mr. |