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Show 552 APPENDIX. 7 ‘ [A-. D-TJ GWEN/'55 g/Bi‘z'lm‘n muffler/721.7. [A.D.T.] To come in ty'tcr p. 364, avord it, as a com licatio Pbi/ade/pln'a, 7th 721/}, 177 5. f " fami ‘ p.lenc Y ne , fire and pefh f e.n O rObOCFY' Wit "umand ", of £3 lié‘iciiiiiuiw‘l‘drdiffer": W13 30" Dear Friend ‘33, at 6k :tas as The Congrefs met at a time when all minds were fo exafperated by the perfidy of General Gage, and his attack on the country people,. that propofitions of attempting an accommodation were not much reliihed; and it has been with difficulty that we have carried another humble petition to the crown, to give Britain one more chance,‘ one opportunity more of recovering the friendflnp of the colonies; which however I thlnk (he has not fenfe enough to embrace, and f0 I conclude {he has loft them for ever. She has begun to burn our feaport towns; fl:- cure, Ifuppofe, that we {hall never be able to return the outrage in kind. She may doubtlefs def'troy them all; but if the VVii/hCS to recover our commerce, are thefe the probable means? the mutt certainly be dillraéted; for no tradefinan out of Bedlam ever thought of enereafingfhc number of his cuftomers by knocking them [on] the head; or of enabling them to pay their debts by burning their houfes. If {he withes to have us fubjeéts and that we {hould fubmit to her as our compound fovereign. 1 [See the note to the foregoing letter. 55 h}:- Igsonltéygg‘ivmg us fuch miferable fpcciznens of , . _ rent, that we {hall ever dww‘» E.) {be rema inin rr 1pfil arm/J, coni afiae ' Bc'l' l c1 in" I , 1n ' detainin oflon " gto thei ther L114" . ipu 21"an to let them no out with EVE; 12%??? . 6pm pregence that merghant s goods .0 e e s;~t cdefeat ofa 0 1 his troops by the country peop le airliiij'iv‘ifib Of forne other {mall advantages gained in ngririiifliie: with their troops; and the actionat Bunker's-hilI in which they Were twice repu lfed, and the third time gained a dear victory. EnouOh has ha pencd, one would think, to convinbce your mpimi'ters that the Americans will fight and that this IS a harder nut to crack than they ir'na crine d. We have not yet applied to any fore ignbpowcr for aflif'rance ; nor of'fered our commer ce for their fi‘iendfhip. Perhaps we never may : Yet it is natural to think ofit if we are preiIed. We have now an army on our efiablifliment which {till holds yours belieged. My time was never more fully employed. In the morning at 6, I am at the committe e of fatety, .appointed by the afl'embly to put the pro- Vince in a flare of defence; which committe e holds tlll near 9, when I am at the cong refs, and that fits till after 4. in the afternoon. Both thefe bodies proceed with the greateit unanimity, and their meetings are well attended. It Will 4 B fcarce I n" ' 1hr." |