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Show 314 [A; or] ngcrz'c: from Afr. S T R A H A N, Cid. farther to diminifh their affections to this country. Pollihly too, fome of their warm patriots may be diih‘;r€ted enough to expol‘e thcml‘elvcs by lbme mad action to be fcnt for hither; and government here beindifcreet enough to hang them, on the act of Henry VIII "f". lVlutual provocations will A PRUSSIAN EDICT, Etc Dagmar, Sc'pt- 5, 17 73*- thus go on to complete the feparation; and indeed E have long wondered here at the fupinenefs 'of that cordial afl‘hétion that once and (0 long ex- ifled, and that harmony to lhitable to the circum- flances, and f0 neceffary to the happincfs, fl'rength, _ of the Eng/[fly nation, under the Fri/flan im- fafety, and welfare of both countries; an impla- cable malice and mutual hatred, fuch as we now fee fubfif'ting between the Spaniards and Permguefe, the Genoefe and Corlicans, from thefame original mifcoudue‘t in the fuperior governments, will take place: the famenefs of nation, the limilarity of religion, manners, and language, not in the leaf't preventing in our cafe, more than it did in theirs-I hope, however, that this may all prove falfe prophecy, and that you and I may pofitions upon its trade entering our port: We did not, till lately, know the claims, ancient and modern, that hang over that nation,- and there fore could not fufpeé't that it might fubmit to thofe impofitions from a fenfc of duty, or from principles of equity. The following edict, jufi: made public, may, if ferious, throw tome light upon this matter: ‘ FREDERICK, by the grace of God, King of Prufiia, &c.&c. 86C. to all prefent and to come 1, health. The peace now enjoyed throughout Our dominions, having afforded us leifure to apply live to fee as fincere and perfect a friendlhip efta- Ourfelves to the regulation of commerce, the blithed between our rcfpeé‘tive countries, as has improvement of Our finances, and at the fame fo many years fubfifted between Mr. Strahan, and tune the eafing Our dame/ilk fubjec‘ts in their his truly affectionate old friend, taxes: for thefe caufes, and other good confiderations Us thereunto moving, We hereby make known, that, after having deliberated B. FRANKLIN. thefe affairs in Our council, prefEnt Our dear + [The lords and commons very prudently concurred in an ad»- drefs for this purpofe; and the king gracioully afl‘ured them of his compliance with their wifhes. E.] A. brothers, and other great officers of the Rate, * [This Intelligence extraordiimg', I believe, firfl appeare d in the Fubhc Advertifer. I have reprinIEd it from a. copy which I found in the Gentleman's Magazine. E.] I A' mu [org/km II it wuir. ORIGINAL. S s 2 ‘ members |