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Show 458 [P.P.] Ofa petition againfta royalGovernm ent. 4.59 PREP ACE to Mr. Galloway's Speech profecuted, have not ever been apprehended they will never bring forth-But. then our go- ! when we are frequently told, that they intend {till vernment " hath often been adminil'cered Wlth re- to execute their purpofes as foon as the prot ection of the king's forces is withdrawn l-Is our trand quil " markable harmony." Very true; as often as the afTembly have been able and willing to purchafe that harmony, and pay for it; the mode of which lity more perfect now, than it was betw een the firfl: riot and the fecond, or between the fecond has already been fhewn. And yet that word qften feems a little unluckily chofen: The flame and the third P-And why ‘ except the Indian ra- that is often put out, mutt be as often lit. nated ‘the mof'r perfect tranquillity?' For the Ifour ‘ vages ;' if a little interim/ion is to be denomi- government hath often been adminil'cered with Indians too have been quiet lately. remarkable harmony, it hath as often been admi- well might {hips in an engagement talk of the niltered with remarkable difcord: One often is as molt perfect tranquillity between two broadfides. --But ‘afpirit of riot and violence is foreign to numerous as the other.---And his Majef'ty, if he ihould take the trouble of looking over our dif- putes (to which the petitioners, to fave them- felves a little pains, modef'rly and decently refer him) where will be, for twenty years paflt, find Almoft as ‘ the general temper of the inhabitants.' Irhope and believe it is ; the afibnibly have faid nothing to the contrary.-And yet is there not too much of it? Are there not pamphlets continually writ- any but proprietary difputes concerning proprietary interefts ; or difputes that have been connected with and arofe from them i ten, and daily fold in our fireets, tojuftify and The petition proceeds to afl‘ure his Majef'cy, ‘ That this province (except from the Indian ra- in the blood of their fellow-citizens ;. by firf't ap- plauding their murder of the Indians; and then ‘ vages) enjoys the 7720/11 perjéé? internal tranquzl- reprefenting the afiernbly and their friends as worfe than Indians, as having privately fiirred up the ‘ lz'ty ."--Amazing! What! the molt perfeél: tranquillity ! when there have been three atrocious riots within a few months! When in two of them, horrid murders were committed on twenty innocent perfons; and in the third, no lefs than one hundred and forty like murders were meditated, and declared to be intended, with as many more as {hould be occafioned by any oppofition ! When we know that thefe rioters and murderers have none of them been punifhed, have never been pro‘ encourage it? are not the mad armed mob in thofe writings inftigated to embrue their hands Indians to murder the white people, and armed and rewarded them for that purpofe ? L1 ES, Gentlemen, villanous as ever the malice of hell invented; and which, to do you juflice, not one ofyou believes, though you would. have the mob believe them. But your petition proceeds to fay, ‘ That where f fuch. difiurbanees have happened, they have7" beers N n n. 2 1n»mum\Itimwnw |