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Show ALBANY PAPERS. [A2 B.T;] Vacancies bow fnpplz'ea'. Offbt? P/(lfl qunz'on. 119 payment of the fame as far as they judge fuch accounts juit and reafonablc. But in cafe of vacancy by death, or re- moval of any oflicer civil or military under this conflitution, the governor of the proVince in which fuch vacancy happens, may appoint till the pleafure of the Prefident General and Grand Council can be known. 4n . .‘ I V m'm i" ‘ «t‘A‘ ‘v r'nwrwrr'" G) The vacancies were thought heft fupplied by the governors in each province, till a new appointment can be regularly made; otherwife the fervice might fuffer before the meeting of the Prefident General and grand council. Otherwife the Union of the whole would weaken the parts, contrary to the defign of the union. The accounts are to be judged of by the Prefident General and grand council, and allowed if found reafonable: this was thought neceffary to encourage colonies to defend themfelves, as the expence would be light when borne by the whole; and alfo to check imprudent and lavifh expence in fuch defences I. I [This plan of union, itwill appear from the next page, was rejeéted; and another propofed to be fubflituted by the Englifh miniller, which had for its chief object, the taking power from. the people in the colonies in order to give it to the crown. E.) Eat!) Colony may defend bye/f on Emergency, 89396. That the particular military as well as civil efiablifhments in each colony remain in their prefent Rate, the general conflitution notwithfianding; and that on fudden emergencies any colony may defend itfelf and lay the accounts of expence thence arifing before the Prefident General and general council, who may allow and order pay‘ |