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Show 88 ALBANY PAPERS. [A: B.T.] danger at the fame time, or equally near the danger, or equally fenfible of it; that fome of them had particular interefts to manage, with which an union might interfere; and that they were extremely jealous of each other ,--it was thought impracticable to obtain a joint agreement of all the colonies to an union, in which the ex- pence and burthen of defending any of them fhould be divided among them all ; and if ever acts of alTembly in all the colonies could be obtained 0/:sz Pfcm gen/m. 39 of the Britifh empire-This was refpeétfull ' fent to the affemblies of the fever al colonies fey their confideration, and to receive fuch altemr tions and improvements as they fhou ld thllll; fit and neceflary; after which it was pro to be tranfmitted to Eng/and to be perfetflrdp oted and the ef'tablifhment ofit there humbly folici teil. d This was as much as the commiflio ners could 0+~ *ataararaeaeaeaeekesaeaeaaea e for that purpofe, yet as any colony, on the leaf: difl'atisfaétion, might repeal its own act and II. Rayon: agazig/l parlia/ Um'wzr. thereby Withdraw itfelffrom the union, it would not be a {table one, or fuch as could be depend- ed on: for if only one colony Ihould, on any difguf‘c withdraw itfelf, others might think it unjuft and unequal that they, by continuing in the union, {hould be at the expence of defend- ing a colony which refufed to bear its proportionable part, and would therefore one after another, withdraw, till the whole crumbled in- to its original parts.--Therefore the commiffioners came to another previous refolution, It was propofed by forne of the Com ' ‘ totorrn the colonies into two or threrduiliai licr': unions ; but for thefe reafons that propofal was dropped even by thofe that made it; [via] I. In all cafes where the flrength of the whol e was necefTary to be ufed againft the enemy, there would be the fame difliculty in degree, to brino the feveral unions to unite together, as now tht; feveral colonies ; and confequently the fame delays on our part and advantage to the enemy. 2. Each lunion would feparately be weaker viz. ‘T/mz‘ if was neccflz'zry tlze union/7302414! fie (flaHflied by 467 ofparliament. They then proceeded to fl<etch out a plan of more force, be more opprefled by the expe nce, union, which they did in a plain and concife and thsvelpemy lefs deterred from attacking it. manner, jul't fuflicient to Ihew their fentiments of the kind of union that would belt fair the circumftances of the colonies, be molt agree- able to the people, and molt efieé‘cually promote his Majef'ty's fervice and the general interef; o than when Jomed by the whole, obliged to exert 3. ere particular colonies have cl weary, as New York with regard to Indian/£13.de and I [Dr. ' Dammit! was a _ {0 well conv'mced of the ex criteri i a of ggntpir‘llzodn of the colonies, that he recite s, at full length, a 21311 mm V l is he rays, With good judgment for the purpofe. Daw- , o. , p.40, 41, of Sir C. sz‘mm/fls Edition. E.) lands |