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Show CANADA PAMPIILE'I". r78 fame country up theDnieper and down the Duna if, with much land-carriage. Great part of theRuflia iron, no high-priced commodity, is brought 300 miles by land and water from the heart of Siberia. Furs, [the produce too of America] are brought to Amf'terdam from all parts of Siberia, even the molt remote, Kamfchatfka.--The fame country furnifhes me with another inf'tance of extended inland commerce. It is found worth while to keep up a mercantile communication between Pekin in China and Peteriburgh.--And none of thefe inf'cances of inland commerce exceed thofe of the courfes by which, at feveral periods, t/Je lV/Jole trade oft/beEcyi was carried on. Before the profperity of the Mamaluke dominion in Egypt fixed the {taple for the riches of the Eafi at Cairo and Alexandria, (whither they were brought from the Red Sea) great part of thofe commodities were carried to the cities of Cafhgar and Balk. (This gave birth to thofe towns, that [till fubfif't upon the remains of their ancient opulence, amidft a people and country equally wild.) From thence thofe goods were carried down the Amfi, (the ancient Oxus,) to the Cafpian Sea, and up the Wolga to Af'trachan; from whence they were carried over to, and down the Don, to the mouth 1‘ [I beg pardon for attempting to remind the reader that he muff not confound the river Duna, with the river Dwina.-The fork of the Ohiois about 4.00 miles diflant from the feat, and the fork of the Mifliflippi about 900: It is 400 miles from Peterlburgh to Mofcow, and very confiderably more than 4000 from Peterfburgh to Pekin. This is enough to jufiify Dr. Franklin's pofitions in the page above, without going into farther particulars. E.] 3 if [A: B.T.] Toe Colonies ufeful to G. Britain. 179 of that riVer; and thence arrain the Ve ‘ ' reétly, and the Genoefe andeenetians riiiiirn eségir. (by way of KafFa and Trebifonde,) difperfed thehi through the Mediterranean and fome other parts ofEurope. Another part of thofe goods was car- ried over-land from the Wolga to the river sDuna and Neva ; from both they were carried to the cit of Wilbuy 1n the Baltick, (fo eminent for its {ea}: laws) ,- and from the city of Ladoga on the Neva we are told they were even carried by the Dwina to Archangel; and from thence round the North Cape.--If1ron and hemp will bear the charge of carriage from this inland country; other metals wrll, aswell as iron; and certainlyfl/e, fince 3d per lb. is not above I per cent on the value and amounts to 281. per ton *.-If the Growi/Jr of' :1 counftrty1 find their way out of it; the Mama aeurer o e countries where ' ' ' bly find their way into it. they 80: W1" Infam- ‘ They‘ who underfland the (economy and prin- c1ples of manufactures, know, that it is impofli- ble to ef'tablifh them in places not populous ,---and. even in thofe that are populous, hardly poflible' to eftablifli them to the prejudice of the places already m poflflioiz of t/Jem. Several attempts have been made in France and Spain, counte- nanced by the government, to draw from us and; * ~ [I think I have been told , and upon the belt authont . ' :frgige has aflually been eltablifhed at there rates, ov'erfihii dmtt: 'uelk no fettlement.wSi/a'~,'on account ofits value and convenie nt E } , was propoted as a chief objcé‘t of attention in this fettlemcnt. ‘" A a 2 eitablifb |