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Show 456 PREFACE to Mr. Galloway': Speech [P.P.] Of(2petition againfia royal Gowmmmz‘. 457 for z‘lm'r petition in that rcfpeéta is in the nature of a petition of right; it lays claima though mo- printed; with a dedication to that honourable def'tly and humbly, to thofe prtVileges on the verfcs in the l'rimer : foundation of royal grants, on laws confirmed by the crown, and on juftice and equity; as the grants were the confideration offered to induce them to fettlc ; and which they have in a manner purchafed and paid for, by executing that fettlement Without putting the crown to any exp-ence.--Whoever would know what our conl‘titution was, when it was to much admired, let him perufe that elegant farewel fpeech of Mr. Hamilton, father of our late governor; when, as {peaken he took his leave of the houfe, and of public bufinefs, in 1739; and then let him compare that conflitutionwrth the prefent. The power of appointing 1mm afi~ car: by the reprefentatives of the people, Wthll he for much extols 5 where is it now? Even the bare naming to. the governor ina bill, a trivial oflicer to receive a light-houfe duty, (Wthll could be confidered as no more than a mere rceommendation) is, in a late meflage, ftiled, ‘ art ‘ encroachment on the prerogative of the crownl Gentleman; and this motto from john Rogers's lytt/ti'iN/ydll [were [2 [lit/e éao/z, For you 2‘0 /00/c 21/5072; ‘T/Jal you mayflu yamfi/212‘/J€/"'.r face, New [)6' fr [lunar {212d gone. Many a fuch little book has been fent by our aficiiiblies to the prefent proprietaries :--But they do not like to Ice their father's face; it puts their own out of countenance. The petition proceeds to fay, ‘ That fuch d/f- zzgrcmzmtr as have arifen in this province, we have beheld with forrow; but as ot/Jerr around us are not exempted from the [27:6 mz'rfirtzmcr, we can by no means conceive them incident to the nature of our government, which hath ofi‘m been adminifiered with remarkable harmony: And your Majcfty, before whom our late dif- putes have been laid, can be at no lots, in your great wifdom to difcover whether they proceed from the above caufe, or thould be afcribed to fome others.'-The difagreements in quetlion, The-{ole power of rag/Zing and di/pofirzg 20f pub/26 money, which he fays was then lodged in the af- are proprietary difagreements in government, relating to proprietary private intercfis. And are fembly ; that inei'timable privilege, whatfrs be- not the royal governments around us exempt from t/Jtfl misfortunes? Can you really, Gen- tlemen, by no means conceive, that proprietary government (lilagreements are incident to the come ofit? Inch by inch they have been wref'ted from us in times of public dittrefs ; And the reft are «going the fameway.-l remember to havelcen when Governor Hamilton was engagedin a thlpute with the aliembly on fome ofithofe points, a copy of that fpeech, which then was intended to be ten ‘ printed '; nature of proprietary governments? Can they in nature be incident to any other governments? If" your witdoms are to hard to conceive, I am afraid N n 11 they 'fllltlllllllllllllfill‘" |