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Show 204. i l wt‘rmT:w H i m». . lama) WWl i , CANADA PAMPHLET. [Az B.T.] Guadalaupe overvalued. 205 with French inhabitants; and thereby render it of {cm point, if I have fhown, that the yalue five times more valuable in time ofpeace, and little lefs than impregnable in time of war; and would probably end in a few years in the uniting the whole of that great and fertile illand under a French government. It is agreed on all hands, that our conquel‘t of St. Chril‘topher's, and driv- ing the French from thence, tirit furnifhed Hifpaniola with {kilful and fubflantial planters, and North America is capable of an immenfe increafe, was coriteqiieiitly the firlt occafion of its prefent upon it, than upon a country [Canada] that is opulence.-On the other hand, I will hazard an opinion, that valuable as the French pofTeflions in the Weft Indies are, and undeniable the advan- much more valuable to us than to them. tages they derive from them, there is {omewhat to be weighed in the oppofite fcale. They cannot at pretent make war with England, without expofing thofe advantages, while divided among the numerous iflands they now have, much more than they would, were they poflelled of St. Do- mingo only; their own {hare of which would, if well cultivated, grow more fugar, than is now grown in all their Wei'c India iflands. I have hfore/m'd I do not deny the utility of "ac conguefl, or we}: qfour future jig/Mia" of Guadalaupe, gf not éougbt z‘oa dear. The trade of the Well Indies is one of 'our molt valuable trades. Our pofTeflions there deferve our greatelt care and attention. 80 do thofe ofNorthAmcrica.--I {hall not enter into the invidious tafkof comparing their due ef'rimation. It would be a very long and a very difagreeable one, to run through every thing material on this head-It is enough to our pre3 fear by an acquifition and mea'fures, that muf't necef- farily have an effect the direct contrary of what we have been induf'trioufly taught to fear; and but a that Guadaloupe is, in point of advantage, very fmall addition to our Welt India pofieflio-ns'; rendered many ways lefs valuable to us, than it 18 to the French; who will probably‘fet more value There is a great deal more to be {aid on all the arts of thefe fubjeé‘ts ; but as it would carry me of into a detail that I fear would tire the patience - appre ut Witho not am I h whic and s, reader my what e referv (hall I ; henfions I have done already remains till I dare venture again on the indulgence of the public. |