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Show A REFORMED Mom; or SPELLrNe.‘ 468 ['M. P.] Remarks [on the Alpbalelz'ca lfl'alle.] t REMARKS [an hie Alphabetical 722551;]. It is endeavoured to give the Alphabet. a more natural Order ; Beginning firft jwith the (imple Sounds formed by the a I Breath, with none or very little help of to [Tongum Teeth, and Lips; and produced huh 'l chiefly in the Windpipe. Then coming forward to 469 thofe, é {formed by the Roof of the Tongue next to the Windpipe. Then to thofe, formed more forward, r n by the forepart of the Tongue againft the ‘1 Roof of the Mouth. Then thofe, formed ftill more for. l 3 z ward in the Mouth, by the Tip of the Tongue applied firi'c to the Roots of the . upper Teeth. Then to thofe, formed by the Tip {of the Tongue applied to the Ends or Edges of the upper Teeth. Then to thofe, formed {till more for- ward by the under Lip applied to the jodlj is alto omitted, its biohhd lieiii'li fi‘dvft'fj he the new ‘Letter . .fl ) flu , which feer:g "1‘11lepur< by LS other pofes, afiif'ting In the formation of other founds ' --thus thefl with a (1 before it, gives the found of the jod j and foft g, as in " James, Januar y, ii glam» gentle," " 077827273, zl/ldazmri, dflylmzt, " dfleIZZe/g" With a 1‘ before it, it gives theSound of cl), .as in " Cherry, Chip," " 277677, #21} 3" and ‘W1th an 2, before it the French found of the Jody, as in " jamais," " zfiamg," Thus the g has no longer two diflie‘renf Sounds, which occafloned Confufion, but is, as every Letter ought to be, confined to one ,m-The fame is to be obferved 'in all the Letters, Vowels, and Flonfonants, that wherever they are met with, or in Whatever Company, their Sound is always the fame.-It is alfo intended that there‘be ltd/lip?!"fluou: Letters ufed in fpelling ; i. e. no Letter that is not founded ;-n-And this Alphabet, by fix new upper Teeth. Letters, provides that there be no difiinét Sounds Then to thofe, formed yet more forward by the upper and under Lip open- in the Language wz'tbout Letter: to exprefs them. ing to let out the founding Breath. . And laftly, ending with the {hutting up of the Mouth, or clofmg the Lips while any Vowel is founding. I n 3 As to the difference between flwrt and long Vowelr, it is naturally exprefl'ed by a fingle Vowel where fhort, a double one where long 5 as for " mend " write 5‘ mend, " but for " remain'd " write p" remeen'd 5" ‘llllillllllllllllllll‘llllwll 1m...- |