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Show 140 A L n A N Y P A P 1-: R 5 continued. (A; B.T.] PLANfor z‘wo lV/flumz Colon/us. enter them, are, upon public notice given for that purpofe, to rendezvous at a place to be ap- pointed, and march in a body to the place defiined for their fettlemcnt, under the [charge] of the government to be ef'rabliflied over them. 14.1 port fhould be formed, and a town ereé‘ted, for the trade of the lakes-The colonifts for this fl'fl/t'lllc'llt might march by land through Pentylvania. -- - - Such rendezvous and march however not to be directed, till the number of names of fettlers entered, capable of bearing arms, amount at leaf): to thoufand. -- --'- - It is apprehended, that a great fum of money might be raifed in Amt/7'54 on fuch a fcheme as this; for there are many who would be glad of any Opportunity, by advancing a finall fum The river Sz‘at/Ja, which runs into the Ohio about two hundred miles below Logs Town, is fuppofed the fitteit {eat for the 011w colony ; there being for forty miles on each fide of it and quite, up to its heads, a body of all rich land; the finei'c {pot of its bignefs in all North America, and has at prefent, to fecure land for their children, which the particular advantage of {ea-coal in plenty (even above ground in two places) for fewel, when the woods {hall be deitroyed. This colony would have might in a few years become very valuable; the trade of the Miamis or Twigtwees ; and and a great number it is thought of actual fettlers, Ihould, at firft, have a fmall fort nearHockkokin, at the head of the river, and another near the might likewife be engaged, (tome from each of our prefent colonies) fuflicient to carry it into full execution by their firength and numbers; provided only that the crown would be at the expence of removing the little forts the French haveereéted in their incroachments on his Majefiy's territories, and fupporting a firong one near the and garrifoned by the Englifh.--The colonifts for this fettlement might aITemble near the heads of falls of Niagara, with a few fmall armed veflels, the rivers in Virginia, and march over land to the or half-gallies to cruize on the lakes. * 9* 9* * it mouth of Wabafh. Sandofki, a French fort near the lake Erie, {hould alfo be taken,- and all the littleFrench forts fouth and weft of the lakes, quite to the Mifliflippi, be removed, or taken navigable branches of the Kanhawa, where they might embark with all their baggage and provifi~ ons, and fall into the Ohio, not far above the mouth For the fecurity of this colony in its infancy, a {mall fort might be ereéted and for fome time maintained at Buj'a/om'c on 1176' 0111b, above the fettlement; and another at the mouth of the Hioaga, on the fouth fide of lake Erie, where a 3 port of Siotha. Or they might rendezvous at Will's Creek, and go down theMohimgahela to the Ohio. The fort and armed veflels at the [trait of Nia- gara would be avaf'c fecurity to the frontiers of thefc new colonies againf'c any attempts of the French |