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Show I 2.; A r, r. A N y l' A P I: R s confirmed. That the parliament of England is at a great diflance, tubjet‘l to lie milinformcd and niifled by inch governors and councils, \‘Vliofi‘, united interei‘ts might probably {ecure them ugainlt the elicit ofany complaint from hence. That itis lirppofcd an undoubted right of Eag/j/Zwmz, not to be taxed but by their own content, given through their rcprefentatives : That the colonies have no reprefentatives in parliament. That to propofe taxing them by parliament, and refute them the liberty of choofing a repre- fentative council, to meet in the colonies, and confider and judge of the neceflity of any general tax, and the quantum; fliews a fufpicion of their loyalty to the crown, or of their regard l for their country, or of their common fenfe and underf'tanding ; which they have notdeferved. That compelling the colonies to pay money without their content, would be rather like raif- ing contributions in an enemy's country, than taxing of Eng/fling" for their own public benefit. That it would be treating them as aconquered people, and not as true Britifh fubjeé'cs. That a tax laid by the reprefentatives of the colonies might be eafily leffened as the occafions, {hould lefi'en; but, being once laid by parlia- [A :«B.T.] Lez‘terr to G. Shi rley 072 ‘Tzzxnzim. I 25 fipgpcilifes, and prCVCIlthD of thei r growth and . . i r 1mifiiiiitsaffoixer in‘governors tomarch the in] . one end of the Bizrzfla and Franc/y €010"le to the other, being a country of '1‘ l - it one thoufand five hundred miles lono ~ without H on the approbation or the confent of their re )ref tatrves firlt obtained to fuch expeditions Jim's:be grievous and ruinous to the people,- and welihld put the m upon a footing with the fubi ec‘ts 0" Frame 1n Canada, that now groan und prefiion from their governor, Who er fut-h o i for two e1 paft has harafled them with lont T and defty (rs tive marches to the Ohio *6. b L ruce That if the colonies in a body may be well governed by governors and cou ncils‘ap ointed by the crown, without reprefen tatives- pirticu lar colonies may as well, or bett er lie {0 ooverned ;‘ a tax may be laid upon them all b id of parliament for fupport of government-yahd their afTemblies may be difmifled as an Lifelef‘ part of the confiitution. b That the powers propofed by the Alb any plan of union, to be vef'ced in a grand council re re- fentativ e ofthe people, even with regard to miliiar matters, are not f0 great as thof e which the colo- mes of Rbodg Iflzmd and 0072729622221: are entruf'ced Wlth , by their charters, and have neve to r abufed for by this plan the Prefident Gene rai is appointed by the crown, and controls all by his negative; the grievous burthen and difcontentment of the 3 colonies, . graph, Whlch relates to the Canadian; when {ubjegt toFra nee.S gala ment under the influence of the reprefentations made by governors, would probably be kept up, and continued forthe benefit of governors; * [The ' Ffi‘II , /J tranfl i itor t 1ms omitt ' ed that art of rhi but |