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Show [Az B.T.] 114. ALBANY PAPERS. to i-oin the Prefident General and grand council in all ifi‘ues of money. Ofi/h' PM}: if Univ". I 15 end of the union, fomething might be done that would not be equal with refpec't to the relt, and. thence diflatisfilé‘cions and difcords might rife to the prejudice of the whole. Accounts. That the general Accounts {hall be yearly fettled and reported to the feveral aflemblies. By communicating the accounts yearly to each afTembly, they will be fatisfied of the prudent and honeft conduct of their reprefentatives in the grand council. .qurum. Laws to 56 trmfliziz‘z‘ea'. That the laws made by them for the purpofcs aforefaid {hall not be repugnant, but, as near as may be, agreeable to the laws of Eflgkma', and {hall be tranfmittea to the King in council for approbation as foon as may be after their pafling; and if not difapproved within three years after prefentation, to remain in force. That a quorum of the Grand Council neral, do confif't of twenty-five members; This was thought necefl'ary for the fatisfaétion of the crown, to preferve the connection of the parts of the Britsz empire with the whole, of the among whom there {hall be one or more from a majority of the colonies. care and circumfpection in making of the laws, impowered to act with the Prefident Ge- members with the head, and to induce greater that they be good in themfelves and for the general benefit. The quorum feems large, but it was thought it would not be fatisfaétory t0 the colonies in general, to have matters of importance to the whole tranfaéted by a {mailer number, or even by this number of twenty-five, unlefs there were among them one at leaf't from a majority of the colonies ;. becaufe otherwife the whole quorum being made Up of members from three or four colonies at on: en Dead? of the Prefla'em‘ General. That in cafe of the death ofthe Prefident General, the fpeaker of the GrandCouncil for the time being {hall fucceed, and be Q2 vetted |