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Show iv CONTENTS. CHAP. v.-SPEOIAL ExPREssioNs oF ANniALs. The Dog, various expressive movements of- Cats- HorsesRuminants- Monkeys, their expression of joy and Affection Of pain-Anger-Astonishment and terror Pages 116- 146 CHAP. vr.-SPECIAL ExPRESSIONS OF MAN: SuFFERING AND WEEPING. tl,he screaming and weeping of infants-Form of features-Acre at which weeping commences-The effects of habitual restraint on weeping-Sobbing-Cause of the contraction of the muscles round the eyes during screaming- Cause of the seer tion of tears 14 7-177 CHAP. vu.-Low SPIRITs, ANxiETY, GniEF, DEJECTioN, DESPAIR. General effect of grief on the system- Obliquity of the eyebrows under suffering- On the cause of the obliquity of the eyebrows- On the depression of the corners of the mouth •. 178- 197 CHAP. VIII.--J oY, HIGH SPIRITs, LovE, TENDER FEELINGs, DEVOTION. Laughter primarily the expression of joy- J.;udicrous ideasMovements of the features during laughter-Nature of the sound produced- 'rhe secretion of tears durinrr loud lauahtcr - . G. radatiTo n from loud laughter to gentle ;milina - Hirrh b b sp1nts- he expression of love- 'Tender feelin rrs- De- • b votwn . . 198-221 CHAP. L~.-REFLECTION-MEDITATION-ILL-TEMPERSuLKINESS- DETERMINATION. The act of frowning-Reflection with an effort or with the perce~ tion of something difficult or disagreeablc-Abstmcted meditatiOn- Ill-temper- Moroseness- Obstinacy- ~.. ulkiness and pouting -Decision or determination- 'rhe firm closure of the ruouth • . 222-238 CONTENTS. v CHAP. x.-HATRED AND ANGER. Hatred-Rage, effects of, on the system-Uncovering of the teeth -Rage in the insane-Anger and indignation-As expressed by the various races of man-Sneering and defiance-The uncovering of the canine tooth on one siJe of the face Pages 239-253 CHAP. XI.- DISDAIN- CoNTEMPT - DISGUST - GuiLT - PlUDE, ETC.- HELPLESSNESS- PATIENCE- AFFIRMATION AND NEGATION. Contempt, scorn and disdain, variously expressed-Derisive smile -Gestures expressive of contempt- Disgust-Guilt, deceit, pride, &c.-Helplessness or impotence-Patience-ObstinacyShrugging the shoulders common to most of the races of manSigns of affirmation and negation 254-277 CHAP. xu.-SuRPRISE-AsToNISHUENT-FEAR-HoRRoR. Surprise, astonishment-Elevation of the eyebrows-Opening the mouth-Protrusion of the lips-Gestures accompanying surprise -Admiration-Fear-Terror-Erection of the hair-Contraction of the platysma muscle-Dilatation of the pupils-Horror -Conclusion 278-309 CHAP. XIII.-SELF-ATTENTION-SHAl\IE-SHYNESSMoDESTY: BLuSHING. Nature of a blush- Inheritance- The parts of the body most affected-Blushing in the various races of man-Accompanying gestures- Confusion of mind- Causes of blushing- Selfattention, the fundamental element- Shyness -Shame, from broken moral la.ws and conventional rules-Modesty-Theory of blushing-Recapitulation 310-347 CHAP. XIV.-CoNCLUDING REMARKS AND Sul\Il\IARY. 'The three leading principles which have determined the chief movements of expression- 'rheir inheritance- On the part which the will and intention have played in the acquirement of various expressions- The instinctive recognition of expression- 'l'he bearing of our subject on the specific unity of the races of manOn the successive acquirement of various expressions by tile progenitors of man-Tne Importance of exvression-Conclusion 348-367 |