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Show c INTRODUCTION. two following sentences will tell as much as can Lo briefly told: "the muscular n1ovements of expression '' are in part related to imaginary objects, and in part " to imaginary sensorial impressions. In this propo" sition lies the key to the comprehension of all " expressive 1nuscular movements." (s. 25.) Again, '' Expressive movements 1nanifest themselves chiefly " in the numerous and mobile muscles of the face, '' partly because the nerves by which they are set into " n1otion originate in the most immediate vicinity of " the mind-organ, but partly also because these muscles " serve to support the organs of sense." (s. 26.) If Dr. Piderit had studied Sir C. Bell's work, he would probably not have said (s.lOl) that violent laughter cause~ a frown from partaking of the nature of pain ; or that with infants (s. 103) the tears irritate the eyes, and thus excite the contraction of the surrounding n1uscles. l\tfany good 1·emarksare'scattered throughont this volume, to which I shall hereafter refer. ~hort discussions on Expression may be found in varwus. works, which need not here be particnlarisecl. 1\Ir. Ba1n, however, in two of his works has treated the ~,ubject a~ some length. He says,S " I look upon the " ~x;ression. so-c.alled as part and parcel of the feel- Jno. I believe It to be a general law of the mind that " a l ong W.i t h the fact of inward feeling or conscious-' " ness, there is a diffusive action or excitement over "the bodily members." In another place he adds, "A ",, very c.o ns1' d· ~ ra bl e. numu1.. er of the facts 1nay Le brought " ure:er ~he ~ollowmg prmc~plc: n~mely, that states of " P S~Ie ~Io connected With an Increase, and. states of pain With an abatement, of some, or all, of the s ' The d tl - - - • enses an 1e Intellect ' 2nd edit 1864 9G d 2~8 The preface to the fi t d •t· ' · ' PP· an · also the 2 cl rt· rsf Me l lOll of this work is dated June, 1855. Sec 11 O( 1 wn ° r. Bain's work on tho ' Emotions and Will.' IN1,RODUC1'ION. " vital functions." But the above law of the diffusive aetion of feelings seems too general to throw much light on special expressions. Mr. Herbert Spencer, in treating of the Feelings in his 'Principles of Psychology ' (1855), makes the following remarks:-" Fear, when strong, expresses itself " in cries, in efforts to hide or escape, in palpitations " and trem blings; and these are just the n1anifestations " that would accotnpany an actual experience of the " evil feared. The destructive passions are shown in a " general tension of the n1uscular system, in gnashing of " the teeth and protrusion of the claws, in dilated eyes " and nostrils, in growls; and these are weaker forms of " the actions that accompany the killing of prey." J{ere we have, as I believe, the true theory of a large number of expressions; but the chief interest and difficulty of the subject lies in following out the wonderfully complex results. I infer that some one (but who he is I have not been able to ascertain) formerly advanced a nearly similar view, for Sir C. Bell says,9 " It has been maintained that what are called the ex'( ternal signs of passion, are only the concomitants of " those voluntary n1ovements which the structure ren,, ders necessary." Mr. Spencer has also published 10 a valuable essay on the physiology of Laughter, in which he insists on " the general law that feeling '' passing a certain pitch, habitually vents itself in " bodily action;" and that " an overflow of nerve-force " undirected by any motive, will manifestly take first " the 1nost habitual routes; and if these do not suffice, " will next overflow into the less habitual ones." Thi~:; ~ 'rr1w Anatomy of Expression,' 3rd edit. p. 121. 10 ' Essnys~ Scientific, Political, and Speculative,' Socoud Se1·ic.-;, 18G3, p. 111. There is a discussion on Laughter in the First Series of Essays, which disrllsAion seems to mo of very inferior vnlnc. |