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Show 126 MAMMALIA. Buff. Supp. VII, Ixi. (The Touan.) Did. brachyura, Pall., f . • 'd red. belly white; tail shorter bl k' h. flanks o a V1V1 ' . Black, ac 15 ' R t The three latter spec1es are than the body. Less than a a . from South America. 'th palmated feet, which must h · one known W1 Finally, t ere 1 s . d whether or not it has a pouch be aquatic; it is not ascertame. -it is the CHIRONECTES, Jllig.(1) • Lutra memina, Bodd.; La petite Loutre Did. palmata, Geoff.' Ill . . Brown above, with three . B ff Supp. . xxu. . de la Gwane, u · . t d 1·n the middle, and wh1te transverse grey b an ds ' mterrup e h a Norway Rat. below ; larger t an. . . a bit eastern countries, New Holland All the other Marsuplaha ~nh 1 lation seems chiefly to belong particularly, a land whose amma popu to this family. THYLACINUs, 'l'emm.(2) . . est of this first division. They are The 'fhylac1m are the larg b th hind feet having no thumb; distinguished from the Opossums y . e. less in each jaw ; their h 'le tail and two mc1sors . a hairy, non-pre enst ' ' Th consequently have forty-siX molars are of the same numbe;~ thr:: large ones is projecting and teeth; but the external edge of . e h f a Dog. their ears t l'k the carmvorous toot o ' trenchant, almos 1 e . . One species only is known, the are hairy' and of a me~lu~ stz~. Linn. Trans. IX, pl. xi:x, I, and Did. cynocepha a, arr1s, 1 .. f S Size that of a Ency. Method., Mammif. Supp. p. V1~'se ~l;ck stripes on the Wolf, but stands lower; grey; transvet 11 mall quadru· crupper. It is very carnivorous, and pursues a s peds. From Van Dieman's Land. PHAscoGALE, Temm. . . The same number of teeth as the Th yI ac.m t. , but the middblreis tlwecdt,· sors are longer than t h e oth ers, an d the back mola1r s mthoere S arigues. circumstances wht· c h approxl· ma te them more .c lose hY to. tail however They are also allied to them by their small size; t :lr t is still very is not prehensile; their hind thumb, though very s or ' apparent. .. 1 113 • Schreb. Did. penicillata, Shaw, Gen. Zool. I, 11' P '. h l~n black CLII, B, L. Ash coloured ; tail furnished W1t g (1) Chironectes, i. e. swimming with hands. . llaS also been (2) Thy1acinus, from s~.~~c:r.xor purse. A speci·e S of Thylacmus found in the plaster quarries of Paris. MARSUPIALIA. 127 hairs; size that of the Norway Rat: lives on the trees in New Holland, and pursues insects. JJasyuruaminimua, Geoff., Schreb. pl. 152, B. C. (The Dwarf Phascogalis.) Scarcely larger than a mouse, fur soft and reddish. From the south of Van Dieman's Land. DASYURus, Geoff.(!) Two incisors and four grinders in each jaw less than the Opossums, so that they have only forty-two teeth ; their tail, every where covered with long hairs, is not prehensile. The thumb of the hind foot is reduced to a tubercle, or has even totally disappeared. They are from New Holland, where they feed on insects and dead bodies; they penetrate into houses, where their voraci~y is very inconvenient, &c. Their mouth is not so wide, their muzzle not so pointed as those of the Opossums; their hairy ears are also shorter. They do not climb trees. Did. ursina, Harr. Lin. Trans. IX, xix, f. 2, and Encycl., Supp. f. 6. (The Ursine Opossum.) Long rough black hairs, with some irregularly placed white spots; the tail half as long as the body, almost naked underneath. Inhabits the north of Van Dieman's Land, and is nearly the size of the Badger. Das. macrourus, Geoff., Peron. V oy. pl. xxxiii, Schreb. CLII, B, a. (The Long-tailed Dasyurus.) Size of a Cat; tail as long as the body; fur brown, spotted with white, both on the body and tail. The tubercle of the thumb is still well marked in this species, but in the following ones it can no more be seen. Das. Maugei, Geoff., Voy. de Freycin. Zool. pl. iv, Schreb. CLII, B, b. A kind of olive colour, spotted with white; no spot on the tail ; a little smaller than the preceding. Did. viverrina, Shaw., Gen. Zool. CXI; White, Bot. Bay, App. 285; Schreb; CLII, B, c. Black, spotted with white; no spots on the tail ; a third less than the first. PERAMELEs, Geoff. ( 2 )-THYLAoxs, Illig. The thumb of the hind foot short, like the first Dasyuri, and the two following toes united by the membrane as far as the nails ; the thumb and the little toe of their fore feet are simple tubercles, 50 that there seem to be but three toes. They have ten incisors baubto vthe, ·t he external ones separate and pointed, and only six below; e1r molars are the same as in the Opossums, so that they have X~l,) p .D 3a0t1y.u rus, hairy tail. See ~!em. de M. Geoff., Ann. du Mus. III, p. 353, and (2)Per a, Purse, MeleB, Dadger. See Mem. Geoff. Ann. du Mus. tom. IV. |