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Show 82 MAMMALIA. Buff. VIII, xvu, 2 and 20 ; Geoff. loc. cit., bo~h of which in. habit quarries solitarily, and suspended by the\r feet, envelo~ing themselves with their wings so that no part of the body 1s visible. ( 1) NYcTERIS, Cuv. and Geoff. The forehead furrowed by a longitudinal groove, ';hich. is even marked upon the cranium, bordered by a ~ol~ of the ~km w~1ch par-tl• a 11 y covers 't ostrils simple · four mc1sors without mtervals 1 ; n ' . . . above and six below; ears large and separated; tall mvolvec1 m the interfemoral membrane. They are African species. Daubenton has described one by the name of the Campagnol volant, Buff. X, pl. xx, fig. 1 and 2, the V. hispidus, Lin., Schreb. LVI. M. Geoff-roy has found others in Egypt.(2) RHINOPOMA, Geoff. The pit on the forehead less strongly marked; nostrils ~t the end or the muzzle with a little leaf above, somewhat resembhng a currier's knife ; ears united ; tail extending far beyond the membrane. One is known in Egyllt, where it is principally found in the pyra-mids.( 3) T APHOzous, Geoff. A smaU round pit on the nose ; no. ~ecurved leaf to the nostrils; }1cad pyramidal ; only two incisors above, and very often none; four trilobate incisors below; ears wide apart, and the tail free above the membrane. The males have a transverse cavity under the throat. A little prolongation of the membrane of the wings forms a sort of sac near the carpus.( 4) One species was discovered in the cata· combs of Egypt by M. Geoffroy.(s} (1) Add the other four species figured, Geoff. Ann. Mus. XX, pl. 5, of which one is the Vesp. speoris, Schreb. LlX, ll. and Peron, Voy. aux Terres, Aust. pl. 35. (2) Nyctere de la Thebai"de, 29, Mamrnif. 1, 2, 2; and Ann. Mus. XX, pl. 1.-N. de Java, Geoff. Ann. Mus. XX, pl. 1. (3) Rltinopome microphylle, Geoff.; Vesper. micropltyllus, Schr. ( 4) lt was this that caused Illiger to name the genus which contained the Ta· phi ens Saccopterix. (5) The Tapltien.filet, Eg. Mamrnif. I, 1, 1.-The Tapliienperfore, ib.ID,L, which does not appear to differ from the Lerot volant, Daub.; T. senegalensis, G.-Add the Vesp. lepturus, Gm., Schr. LVli.-The T. of India ; 1T. brachmanus, G.-The T. of tlte Isle of Fmnce ,· T. mauri6ianus, G.-The T. rufus, Wils. A mer. Ornith. vol. VI, pl. 50, No. 4.-Thc T.longimanus, Hardw. Lin. Trans. vol. and pl. XVll. "'"' ~ ... ) CARNARIA. S3 MonMooPs, Leach. Four incisors in each jaw, the superior tolerably large, the inferior tt·ilobate; cranium singularly raised like a pyramid abov'e the muzzle; on each side of the nose is a triangular leaf which ex· tends to the ear.( 1) VEsPERTILio, Cuv. and Geoff . Muzzle without leaf or other peculiar appendage ; ears sepat•ate; four incisors above, of which the two middle ones are apart, and six· trenchant incisors slightly denticulated below; the tail contained in the membrane. This subgenus is the most numerous of the whole, its species being found in every part of the world. France alone has six or seven. The tragus of some is shaped like an awl, and to this division belongs the most commonly known species. Vesp. murinus, L.; 17. myotis, Kuhl, Buff. VIII, xv1. (The Common Bat.) Tragus oblong, the length of the head; hair brown ; maronne above, grey beneath ; the young of an ashy grey. Some other smaller but neighbouring species have lately been observed in Europe.(2) In others again the tragus is angular, such as the Vesp. serotinus, L.; Buff. VIII, xvnx, 2. (The Serotine Bat.) A deep maronne; wings and ears blackish; the conch triangular and shorter than the head. The female is paler than the male. Found under the roofs of churches, uninhabited build· ings, &c. ( 3) A third kind has a crescent shaped tragus. V. noctula, L.; Buff. VIII, xvxn, 1 ; V. proterus, Kuhl; P. lasiopterus, Schreb., 58, B. Fawn coloured; ears triangulat·, shorter than the head ; tragus rounded, a little larger than the preceding. Found in the hollows of old trees, &c. V. pipistrellus, Gm.; Buff. VIII, xxx, 1. (Tho Pipistrelle.) The smallest one in France; a blackish brown; ears triangu· lar. ( 4) (1) The species-Mormoops Blainviaii, Leach, Lin. Trans. XIIT-is from Java. . (2) The 1T. Bechsteinii, Leisler, Chauves. d' Allem., pl. 22.-The V. mystacinus, Ib. 18.-V. Daubentoni, Leisler, Kuhl, pl. xxv, 2.-V. Nattereri, Kuhl, pl. 23, &c.-Add foreign species, V. emarginatus, Geoff. Ann. Mus. VIII, pl. 46.-V. pictus, L. ot· the Kirivoula of Java, Seb. I, pl. 56, f. 23.-V: polytltrix, lsid. Geoff. Ann. des Sc. Nat. liT, p. 440.-V. levis, Id. ib. &c. (3) Add V: carolinensis, Geoff. Ann. Mus. VIII, pl. 47. [See Jlppend. 1. of Jlm. Ed.] (4) Add the 1T. Kuhlii, Nntterer, Kuhl, Chauves. d' Allem. p. 55. |