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Show -106- there is not sufficient water to properly irrigate all of it? If available waters of the Republican are developed so they can be ap- plied to the available land in the manner suggested, they would undoubtedly result in a greatly increased production of agricultural crops and live- stock products within the area. The average yield of corn in the State of Hebraska as a whole for the period 1930-39 was lU»6 bushels per acre per year* In I9I4.O it was 17 bushels, and in 19l|l it was 23.5. Under irrigation Republican bottom lands have been reported in some cases to yield 75 bushels or better* Increased quantities of feed to supply the winter needs of livestock grazed during the summer on adjacent uplands should add further to the volume of meat produced in the basin as a whole and would provide an as- sured supply of feed in the event of serious drought. Other crops, such as dry beans, needed in increased quantities to sup- ply war food needs could be produced in greater quantities within the area if irrigation water were developed. Sincerely, E. H. Wiecking, Land Use Coordinator. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, March 30, 191+3 Hon. J. lU Bankhead, Chairman, Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation, United States Senate. Dear Senator Bankhead! I appreciate your February 19 invitation to comment on S> 61j.9, a till to promote flood control in the basin of the Republican River* and for other purposes* ' ' The compact has not yet been ratified by the legislatures of all par- ticipating States, but we are glad to comment tentatively upon it in order that you may have our views available pending ratification by the States. This bill would ^ive the consent and approval of Congress to the com- pact (authorized by Public Law, 696, 77th Cong., 56 Stat. 736) signed by the (Commissioners for the States of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska on December 31* 19^2, after ratification by the legislatures of these States. It would also provide (a) that any beneficial' consumptive uses by the Unite?d States within a State, of the waters allocated by the compact, shall be ma.de within the allocations made for use in that State and shall be taken into account in determining the extent of use within that State; (b) that the' United States in the exercise of its lights or powers shall recognize, to the extent consistent with the best multiple use of the |