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Show Compact covering the Haters of the Delaware River Between the States of New York Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. - Interstate Compacts between the States" of New York Pennsylvania, and New Jersey were negotiated in 1925 and 1927, but these Compacts were ratified only by the Legislature of the State of Hew York. The failure of ratification resulted in the liti- gation between New Jersey and New York (in which the State of Pennsylvania intervened for the protection of its equities in that stream), in the Su- preme Court of the United States, which action is discussed herein under "Interstate Litigation.n Interstate Negotiations Concerning Pollution of the Delaware River>•_ - The States of Delaware , New "Jersey, New York", and Pennsylvania have hereto- fore created an Interstate Commission for the consideration of the control of pollution of the waters of the Delaware River. Similar conferences have been conducted by representatives of the States of New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and Tennessee, looking to the consummation of a compact for the control of pollution of the Ohio River. Compact for Potomac River. - Pursuant to Public Resolution 74 Seventy- fifth Congress, the State of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and I/est Virginia, and the District of Columbia are authorized to enter into a com- pact for the abatement of the pollution of the Potomac River. For this pur- pose, the four States and the District of Columbia have organized the Poto- mac Valley Pollution Conference, the purpose being to draft a compact to cover the problems involved. Compact Between the States of Ohio and Pennsylvania Concerning the Haters of Pymatuning Lake. - This Compact relates to the" development, use, and regulation of Pymatuning Lake, and the State-owned land surrounding it, for fishing, hunting, recreational, and park purposes. It was ratified by the Legislature of Ohio on May 18, 1957; by Pennsylvania on June 5, 1937; and approved by the Congress of the United Stotes on August 28, 1937« Compact Between the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Concerning Abatement of Pollution of Coastal and Tidal Waters. - On August 27* 1935* ^he Congress approved a Compact between the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, covering control and abatement of pollution in the harbor, coastal, and tidal waters of these States. Negotiations for Compact Between Colorado* ^'yoniing * and Nebraska^__Cpv^_ er_ing_the~^Lters of ¦the__North.^latte River. - Negotiations between repre- sintativis"of"these"three States, looking to a compact on the North Platte River* which rises in Colorado and flows thence into I/yoming and Nebraska* have been conducted for many years. It is probable that the States of Colorado and I/yoming could have reached an agreement concerning their rela- tive equities in the waters of this stream* in so far as such uses in the North Platte Basin in Colorado and a nominal trans-mountain diversion of water out of the North Platte River into the Basin of the South Platte River in Colorado were concerned. Colorado* however, insisted upon, a larger trans- mountain diversion out of the North Platte Basin than Wyoming would concede. As a result* negotiations between the two States were ended abruptly on -123- |