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Show -59- REPUBLICAN RIVER COMPACT * CHAPTER IOJ4.. An Act to grant the consent of Congress to a compact entered into by the States of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska relating to the waters- of the Republican River Basin, to make provisions concerning the exercise of Federal jurisdiction as to those waters, to promote, flood control in the Basin, and for other purposes. BE IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, That the consent and approval of Congress is hereby given to the compact authorized by the Act entitled "An Act granting the consent of Congress to the States of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska to negotiate and enter into a compact for the division of the waters of the Republican River,"approved August I4., I9I4.2 (Public Law 696, Seventy- seventh Congressj 5& Stat, JJ>6), signed by the commissioners for the States of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska, on December yL9 19U2, and thereafter ratified by the Legislatures of the States of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska, which compact reads as follows: "REPUBLICAN RIVER COMPACT "The States of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska, parties signatory to this compact (hereinafter referred to as Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska^ respectively, or individually as a State, or collectively as the States), having resolved to conclude a compact with respect to the waters of the Republican River Basin, and being duly authorized therefor by the Act of' the Congress of the United States of America, approved August I4, 19U2, (Public No. 696, 77"th Congress, Chapter 5U5* 2nd Session) and pursuant to Acts of their respective legislatures have through their respective Governors, appointed as their Commissioners: K. C. Hinderlider, for Colorado George S. Knapp, for Kansas Wardner G. Scott, for Nebraska who, after negotiations participated in by Glenn L9 Parker, appointed by the President as the Representative of the United States of America, have agreed upon the following articles: "ARTICLE I. "The major purposes of this compact are to provide for the most efficient use of the waters of the Republican River Basin (hereinafter referred to as the rBasinT) for multiple purposes; to provide for an equitable division of such- waters; to remove all causes, present and future, which might lead to controversies; to promote interstate comity; to recognize that the most efficient utilization of the waters within the Basin is for beneficial consumptive use; and to promote joint action by the States and the United States in the efficient use of water and the control of destructive floods. "The physical and other conditions peculiar to the Basin constitute tlie basis for this compact, and none of the States hereby, nor the Congress of "the United States by its consent, concedes that this compact establishes any general principle or precedent with respect to any other interstate stream. + Seventy-oighth Congress, First Session (S 6!$), 57 Stat • 86. |