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Show 1The officers of W.R.A.~W\»«****->-,:, ^^.<.w *•*•*; TT.Sw.r+5 I;LaRue Griffiths Jean SpruntIWSRBtB&g&gSiSSb1 'C#«feiNancylee MannSandra Dee NoakesCOORDINATORS OF WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES ON CAMPUS . . .An extensive program of recreational activities for women students is provided by the Women's Recreation Association. All University women are eligible for sports competition in volley ball, basketball, soft ball, swimming, tennis, badminton, ping pong, and horse shoes. WRA also sponsors Orchesis, Aquamaids, the women's ski team, the tennis club, as well as the WRA Carnival.In the fall WRA sponsors a Christmas party, followed winter quarter by the Awards Banquet. The annual Spring Spread, held during spring quarter, is the occasion for the presentation of individual and team awards based on accumulative points as well as participation.Aside from the activities for the girls,the W.R.A. draws all availablecampus organizations together foryearly carnival which provides not onlyfun and entertainment for theparticipants, but also allows for the useof creative imagination to help fillsagging treasuries.t**Mlit |